Example sentences of "[coord] [is] usually [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Every now and then a new game appears which sends the press wild with appraisal and is usually followed with a roaring applause at the ECTS annual awards ceremony .
2 Ogee guttering ( common in cast iron systems , but also available in uPVC and aluminium ) has an S-shaped front , and is usually fitted with round downpipes .
3 The taste is good enough to send half a million people a year squirrelling around in the woods of northern Michigan , in search of something that is often no more than a couple of inches high and is usually hidden under a thick pile of forest-floor debris .
4 The description and demonstration of the working of such systems has always been considered a major advance in anthropological theory and is usually traced to the publication in 1940 of African Political Systems by M. Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard with their respective discussions of the Tallensi of West Africa and the Nuer of East Africa .
5 While the courts should not be slow to protect the unwary from possible error , the transsexual is usually well able to understand what is involved in surgery , and is usually operated on only after careful screening .
6 This fish has not been given a common name and is usually referred to as the ‘ sebae ’ .
7 This e.p.s.p. can be blocked by the quinoxalinedione antagonists , such as 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione ( CNQX ) , and is usually referred to as AMPA receptor-mediated after the selective ligand for these receptors α- amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate ( AMPA ) .
8 Cognitive therapy addresses this issue and is usually undertaken by a psychologist .
9 This can be a long and painstaking task and is usually undertaken by the venture capitalists themselves , supported by accountants and lawyers .
10 It is simmered slowly after it has been soaked and is usually coated with breadcrumbs before it is sold .
11 Things like coloured navigation lights on wing tips or on the pitot head , which is used for the measurement of airspeed and altitude and is usually mounted near the nose of the aircraft , can be good tell-tales .
12 It is important to " note that all four can be pronounced , even though the lexical decision task does not require pronunciation , and is usually conducted in silence using finger response buttons .
13 This process of taking information which is normally destined for the screen and sending it somewhere else is called redirection and is usually done with the > symbol .
14 This needs to be done skilfully , and is usually done by trained researchers , who are adept at getting people to talk and at avoiding asking leading questions — because that is not merely cheating , it will lead to you deluding yourself : in this type of interview people are only too eager to tell you what they think you want to know .
15 Bierwurst is a large German sausage that may be pork or pork and beef , has a fine texture and is usually spiced with peppercorns and white mustard seed .
16 Lancelot Andrewes , who was Hooker 's contemporary and friend , outlived him by twenty-five years and is usually regarded as his intellectual successor in the history of the Church of England .
17 It is a document which sets out the terms of a loan and is usually issued under authority of a company 's seal , Repayment is provided for at some future date .
18 This is an onerous obligation on the company and is usually resisted by management 's lawyers , with a varying amount of success .
19 Support is provided directly by the company itself and is usually included in the price .
20 The content of courses varies widely , and is usually arrived at by the demands of the service .
21 The ‘ outside ’ way of accounting for behaviour is modelled on the methods of natural science and is usually described as a search for causes .
22 It is widely believed among the general public that dismissal of a Bank Official is rare and is usually associated with some act of dishonesty .
23 This relates only to an isolated part of the person and is usually preceded by the word ‘ my ’ , such as ‘ my head hurts , my throat is dry ’ , etc .
24 Likewise , the single transferable vote system normally operates , and is usually thought of as operating , in multi-member constituencies .
25 The traditional turkey lunch [ or dinner ] is a favourite far and wide , and is usually enjoyed in the company of family and friends .
26 The correlation between smoking the lung cancer is well known , and is usually interpreted in a causal manner : can we interpret the equally strong correlations between eating meat and cancer of the large intestine , or between sugar and breast cancer along similar causal lines ?
27 For The Times , Alan Lee is workmanlike and reliable , and is usually supplemented by a featured column from his predecessor , John Woodcock .
28 Although infection with type II virus is the rule and is usually acquired through contact with the sexual partner 's infected genitalia , type I infection following mouth-to-genital contact is becoming increasingly common .
29 It is not sexually transmitted ( although , like chicken pox or measles , it could be ) and is usually acquired in early childhood by direct contact with an infected child .
30 Implicit information is not generally codified or recorded , and is usually acquired by workers over several years of on-the-job experience .
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