Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] i told her " in BNC.

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1 But Miss Blagden , whom I met by chance yesterday , is going to Rome and when I told her the absurdity of your request she volunteered to carry your ridiculous weapon saying she had always had a fancy to be a gun-runner and that it would be a tale to tell her friends and astonish them .
2 She runs a sort of company for readings and uncostumed actings of unusual plays , and when I told her about Unisoculous she said she would put it on .
3 When she finally went to the family planning clinic , the woman she saw was not very sympathetic , she said " What school do you go to ? " and when I told her she said " You 've really thrown away your chances . " "
4 I know you were so specific , but this is a fabulous kid and when I told her all about you , she just begged me to let her stop by and say hello . ’ ) .
5 Erm , the the other things is a little while ago she was erm , er , er you know , giving me bills like for about five or six pounds once for cleaning materials , and I queried this , because it 's quite a lot of money and erm , so she tells me that she buys expensive erm bleach and she uses a bottle of that a week , well she only comes in three times , and I said well , that 's very extravagant I said and told her what , but since I told her that .
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