Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] was clear that " in BNC.

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1 It was a case , he said , which had aroused a lot of public concern , and it was clear that Mr Smith could not cope in looking after his stock .
2 Faces which earlier had seemed a little sombre were now wreathed in ecstatic smiles , and it was clear that this was what they had come to hear .
3 But for years the garden , with its extraordinary follies and temples , had been decaying , and it was clear that soon no more than a few heaps of stone would be left .
4 By 1979 , the members of Mitosis were dotted around Middleton , Liverpool and Leeds and it was clear that the future held no promise for them .
5 The band agreed to let them issue a cassette containing a free badge and it was clear that both parties were supporting each other .
6 It was clear that … fudge proposals from the Argentinians which amounted to saying ‘ We 've done what we 've done now let's negotiate from here ’ were quite unacceptable and it was clear that the task force had to land and do its bit .
7 Many of my envelopes came back ‘ Return to Sender ’ , and it was clear that most members had died or were very elderly .
8 Essentially , it was a calculative attitude and it was clear that they managed themselves in the sense that they saw work as being a means to their personal ends , which might be owning a boarding house , for example .
9 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
10 The friends of Montrose who supported the various candidates were very troublesome , for political management required careful and friendly replies , and it was clear that they could not all be given the answers they expected or hoped to receive .
11 The view that the East Ropery Banks site might be considered for ‘ high value ’ housing in order to provide potential consumers for the shopping centre had first been expressed in the Poulson Report of 1965 , but it had greater saliency by 1971 because the authority was already dealing with its second property company ( Town and City ) and it was clear that market conditions made the redevelopment of North Shields centre a highly marginal project .
12 Decision : it would have been open to the sentencer to impose a term of detention under Children and Young Persons Act 1933 , S.53(2) , but he had made no reference to the section and it was clear that the sentence was unlawful .
13 Branson was not a record man , he was an entrepreneur ; and it was clear that what he wanted out of the record business were new and different opportunities .
14 Her face was racked with pain and it was clear that she was very ill .
15 The car was so low it looked as if a giant had tried to stub it out and it was clear that getting out of the bucket seat gave the Greek momentary altitude sickness .
16 Father McGiff , however , did not himself seem to share the surprise and it was clear that his participation had been decided on beforehand .
17 Kadan had digested the news that they were strangers from another star system with scarcely a raise of the eyebrows and it was clear that if the rest of the population was as phlegmatic , then the effect of the visitors on the course of Tarvarian history was likely to be non-existent .
18 Mr Arrow met us , and it was clear that he and the squire were very friendly .
19 Alexei 's expression was anguished , and it was clear that he wished himself elsewhere .
20 The atmosphere in the room became rapidly charged with an unmistakable effluvium and it was clear that Cedric 's unfortunate malady had reasserted itself .
21 For a while she hovered in the doorway of a film company building and watched the steady but sparse traffic of shoppers , office messengers and business types who were using the pathways through the square 's railed park as a shortcut on their way to somewhere else … but then a gold-braided security guard stepped out and asked if he could help her , and it was clear that she was being told to move on .
22 In the unlikely event that a prosecution were brought in these circumstances , and it was clear that a sado-masochistic pact existed between the parties , the judge could take this into account in sentencing .
23 When Greg returned with the snowball , Margaret Seymour-Strachey had shifted her position so as to be better shielded from the rest of the Saloon Bar , and it was clear that she had not managed to get control over herself , for she was now sobbing away quietly .
24 Neither of them had heard the door open , but suddenly Tom was there , and it was clear that he had heard Faye 's last words .
25 ‘ 63 teams from all over the UK took part , and it was clear that many had been training for months .
26 She motioned Jenna to a seat and it was clear that her initial diffidence was now controlled .
27 He was pleased about the trip and it was clear that Ana had planned it for him and for her own secret reasons .
28 The girl could not explain how the locket came to be among her clothes , and it was clear that her protestations of innocence were in vain .
29 The films used in this study were , however , relatively short and it was clear that subjects were not describing anything like the total amount of information that was available .
30 Beryl was staring at him , her lips were trembling and it was clear that she was deeply disturbed .
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