Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] is [adv] difficult " in BNC.

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1 Little detail is provided , however , and it is thus difficult to evaluate his work fully .
2 Few visitors are welcome in Indian prisons , and it is particularly difficult for foreigners to achieve access .
3 Knoydart is a closed book for motorists and for all except walkers equipped with map and compass — and it is even difficult for strong walkers .
4 The defendants at the time of the victims ' deaths were presumably unconscious and it is accordingly difficult to attribute to them any mens rea .
5 First , it is difficult to account for the very different forms of state intervention and political representation if one follows the instrumentalist position , and it is also difficult to explain how it is that the whole capitalist system coheres and is reproduced if the capitalists do not control and dominate the bureaucratic and political levers of the state , as modern instrumentalists now accept .
6 Clearly it is difficult to be dogmatic about faunas of this age , when such short time-spans are involved , and it is also difficult to be sure that particular species are more time-controlled than facies-controlled .
7 In most cases , at least one of the states involved in valence excitation transitions has two unpaired electrons , and it is notoriously difficult to handle such states adequately .
8 In these circumstances the analyst can not help becoming involved , particularly if he or she has elderly relatives in similar situations , and it is sometimes difficult to retain objectivity .
9 Fact is frequently mixed with opinion and it is sometimes difficult to establish whether certain evidence is accepted or is merely being discussed .
10 There is a tremendous myth about throwing knives — very few people can do it properly and it is extremely difficult to hit a moving target .
11 Oxygen has been omitted because nearly all the oxygen in a planet resides in non-volatile oxides and silicates and it is extremely difficult to estimate how much of this oxygen has been liberated into more volatile forms and conversely how much oxygen originally in volatile forms has been lost by combination with various oxides and silicates .
12 In the main I would say these tend to be addressed to parents , doctors or well-meaning teachers , carers , etc. , and it is quite difficult to find a book which talks to you , the anorexic/bulimic/compulsive eater .
13 Indeed , this is an area of heated debate and it is quite difficult to tease out what is actually going on .
14 Although it is often claimed that exercise has a beneficial psychological effect in its own right , the evidence for this is scanty and it is always difficult to separate the specific effect of exercise from the moral support and social contact which usually goes with it .
15 Although the survey found a ‘ worsening of tree condition ’ and conifer health was suddenly ‘ only moderate ’ , there was , said Mr Grayson , ‘ No regional pattern of crown condition … and it is therefore difficult to ascribe the findings to a cause such as air pollution ’
16 We can hypothesize that he would not have survived the rigorous processes of peer review in the British system and it is exceedingly difficult to envisage him negotiating the hazards of leading a party from the dispatch box in the House of Commons .
17 Sales are clearly not due to advertising alone , and it is technically difficult to separate the effects of advertising from those of other marketing activity in order to provide an adequate measurement .
18 The balance between the two varied according to economic circumstances , and it is very difficult for us to reconstruct the nature of these services in detail over a wide area before the thirteenth century .
19 Knives are now a standard part of the criminal 's equipment and it is very difficult for us to defend ourselves without going beyond the law , but there are ways — as you will see later .
20 At the moment the economic climate is against artists and it is very difficult to sell anything ; as a result I 'm probably painting less .
21 They contain contradictory elements , importations and survivals from other cultures , and it is very difficult to delimit them geographically or chronologically .
22 ‘ There is a lot of denial and it is very difficult to talk about the abuse when it is happening to you , especially if you are a researcher as you do n't have much contact with the person on a regular basis , ’ Ogg says .
23 But it has to be remembered that he was now being treated by many people with extreme deference , mixed , with not a little nervousness , and it is very difficult to behave normally in such circumstances .
24 The current rate of increase in the number of books , periodicals and learned journals being published is exponential and it is very difficult for a student to keep abreast of developments in a particular field .
25 And it is very difficult to influence children e , who are starting at the age of ten to fifteen with threats of lung cancer at the age group between fifty and sixty regardless of the horrors that you can describe to them .
26 A good round followed by a poor one often means a missed cut , and it is very difficult to put two rounds together on consecutive days if you have not been used to doing so .
27 As more companies attempt to take a bite at this particular cake , the market becomes increasingly fragmented and it is very difficult indeed to achieve strong enough support for any particular design though each has its own supporters .
28 This is true , but even Daly would not exclude preglacial subsidence and it is very difficult to demonstrate the date of subsidence in many examples .
29 This is rather like putting the cart before the horse and it is very difficult later to take up the study of the horse when all previous emphasis has been placed upon the cart !
30 I try to update that wherever I can , and it is very difficult , we have to use the annual census of employment and historic records .
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