Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] hope [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And I hope that we shall be paying the taxman quite soon , ’ he beams .
2 I have experienced this directly in researching this book and am deeply indebted to many new friends , in areas of science that would have remained foreign to me , for their time and patience in explaining things that I never knew and I hope that we all gained from the experience .
3 That is a remarkable achievement and I hope that we can build on it in the future .
4 This country has not faced such a decision in the past 300 or 400 years and I hope that we never shall .
5 Technical considerations are being completed , and I hope that we shall be able to put it to the House before long .
6 Both sides of the House could and should support most of its provisions , but where improvements are necessary we shall be pressing them on the Minister , and I hope that we shall receive as fair a hearing from him as I have tried to give his Bill this afternoon .
7 On the other hand , you will have gathered already that we are going to talk about Greater York , so I think there may be some distinct benefit and merit in you being he here to listen to that , er particular part of the topic , now the , I hope in fact that we can deal with the remainder of H One , because it it does lead quite logically into the next issue which we want to talk about , which is the new settlement in the Greater York area , er and I hope that we can get through this item by our morning break , that but whenever we do conclude on H One we will have to have a slightly longer break just to enable the seating arrangements to be sorted out properly for all participants who are involved in the discussion on the new settlement .
8 Because it would be bad news for the country if we are witnessing another fight between the private sector and the state and I hope that we 're not going to see in the whole rules and regulation industry , versus er the public a sort of repeat of the Moriarty , Sherlock Holmes final fight er with never knowing who in fact er wins as the battle of o of continues .
9 and what I concern myself with now is that this sort of thing is becoming too obvious in the area , this kind of development , this kind of an infringement in villages , looking for , somebody 's got to make a stand against it , er and I hope that we shall in this Parish Council
10 Once again we have this problem of keeping in touch with the wing wards , Astley and er East it 's not all that easy to do but er there are people there who are showing an interest and I hope that we can .
11 We do have to look at all our pre-school children as a group who have similar means as they grow and they learn and they develop and I hope that we can continue to push for a co-ordinated approach to the whole range of services that we are o offering to that group of children and to their families .
12 Erm be because out of that debate this morning I sense you have much to offer the rest of us and I hope that that conversation will not be a conversation confined your Synod or to the to the assembly of URC but that we 'll find ways of sharing that perception of ministry with those of us in other churches cos you do n't need me to tell me , tell you that that key question in the whole ecumenical debate , not just in these nations but worldwide and I think that from within this reform tradition in which I share I will hope that we will find ways of offering that perception of ministry , in all its forms as erm , a symbol and a sign of the ministry of the whole people of God we have that to offer the churches in Wales and worldwide and I hope that we can find ways of doing that .
13 I was going to say , when it comes to paragraph five , do you erm suggest that you actually think in terms of church organisations , they 're not mentioned , and I look forward in in paragraph seven one to the seminar , the working seminar that 's going to be in the near future , and I hope that we 'll soon get a date , so that we can get it in our very busy diaries , in the hope that we can come along and learn more about this .
14 In addition , I had hoped to put in motion programmes in 3 separate areas and I hope that they still may be started in the not too distant future .
15 As regards Monktonhall mineworkers ' consortium , it is encouraging that a group of ex-mineworkers have applied to British Coal to take over the pit , and I hope that they can make a success of it .
16 I must tell the House and the Minister that there are only 15 minutes left for this debate ; other hon. Members wish to participate and I hope that they will get the chance to do so .
17 On the hon. Gentleman 's request for a revenue support grant statement from my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for the Environment and for Wales , the hon. Gentleman is correct in intimating that statements on those matters are necessary , and I hope that they will be made very soon — I hope next week .
18 They will certainly have the fullest support of my Department and the Government in that and I hope that they will have the fullest support of Opposition Members , too , although that has not come through in this debate .
19 I refer Conservative Members to the research , and I hope that they will learn a little from it .
20 The TA there is well recruited , but there are other opportunities for people to serve in Northern Ireland , and I hope that they will use elsewhere the skills that they have acquired in the TA .
21 concerned the other day that the government had second thoughts on some of the proposals there and I hope that they will reconsider .
22 I think we 've erm we 've erm obviously learned that opting out is not for the Oxfordshire people — I 'm delighted about that and I just hope that as a result of this we do not see too many problems for Banbury School , both in the fact that the exercise has been somewhat divisory and I hope that they 're able to bring it together quickly afterwards .
23 ‘ The Princess should avoid wearing anything fussy and I hope that she chooses an English designer .
24 ‘ She 's a good kid and I hope that she and Sidney 's boy make a go of it . ’
25 The hon. Gentleman can certainly be certain that I congratulate Rover on its splendid new product , and I hope that it will be immensely successful .
26 I am acutely aware of the importance of what the hon. Gentleman says and I hope that it may be possible to make further progress in expanding the programme .
27 Unemployment has fallen not only in Wales but in Scotland and in the northern region and I hope that it will soon fall elsewhere , too .
28 That was an insult to the people of Liverpool and I hope that it will never be repeated .
29 I know that my hon. Friend is anxious for a conclusion to be reached for next year , and I hope that it will be possible to do so soon .
30 Ealing has led the way , and I hope that it will not be too long before other education authorities such as Cleveland follow .
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