Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [am/are] afraid [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For I can not hope for a reference from Lady Merchiston , and I am afraid that … ’
2 That was always the portrait that was painted by the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) and I am afraid that that is occasionally true of the present Prime Minister also .
3 Being the senior trainers for the whole county could be a full time job , and I am afraid that if that were the case we would have to give it all up .
4 And I 'm afraid that it 's all your fault ! ’
5 Muti 's Romeo and Giulietta were Agnes Baltsa and Edita Gruberova , and I 'm afraid that Diana Montague and Katia Ricciarelli on the new set are no match for them .
6 There is an extraordinary subtlety in his use of pulse and phrase , and I 'm afraid that he puts Bryden Thomson 's performance on Chandos ( 1/84 ) completely in the shade .
7 The knee mechanism is very complicated and I 'm afraid that a perfect recovery after major surgery is just not possible .
8 And I 'm afraid that means that what I say goes . ’
9 And I 'm afraid that as all I 've seen is one miscalculated mishap after another you 've got an awful long way to go before I 'm convinced of anything .
10 I think that 's worse than the double garage , and I 'm afraid that I disagree , Mr Chairman .
11 We are one of the biggest clubs in the country , the second best supported at home and I 'm afraid that this season I 've become very disappointed with some of the players and management decisions — I think we deserve better and while we 're not in the position of say Swindon something needs to be done if ( and I 've ussed this line before ) we 're not to become perenial mid table finishers .
12 We are one of the biggest clubs in the country , the second best supported at home and I 'm afraid that this season I 've become very disappointed with some of the players and management decisions — I think we deserve better and while we 're not in the position of say Swindon something needs to be done if ( and I 've ussed this line before ) we 're not to become perenial mid table finishers .
13 I was told as it 's a generally responsible bunch of people and I 'm afraid that erm today was n't , in my view , a very responsible action to take .
14 But you remember how intense your feelings were for someone who was your whole life , and you 're afraid that your love for him is n't so much dead as lying doggo , ready to rise up and damage everything you hold dear .
15 But I am afraid that you have another ordeal ahead of you . ’
16 But I am afraid that this experience will be denied me . ’
17 ‘ She and the beetle do n't do anything together in that way , but I am afraid that he will romantically take her away .
18 It is tempting to delve further into the subject ; but I am afraid that it would take me far outside my main theme , and so , reluctantly , we must leave matters there .
19 However , I do not accept my Hon. Friend 's contention that some of these matters must be discussed after 10 pm , but I am afraid that they will continue to have to be so .
20 I am genuinely sorry , for I am heartily thankful that we have escaped from the small-mindedness of the medieval church and I despise modern astrologers , but I am afraid that the rhetoric about backwaters in the previous paragraph is just empty rhetoric .
21 But I am afraid that Henry 's death is not the only reason for your sadness .
22 Business men who are borrowers naturally want lower interest rates , but I am afraid that the Government have to take a rather broader view of what is in the interests of the economy .
23 I shall certainly convey the sentiments , but I am afraid that I can not promise my hon. Friend an early debate .
24 So , the economy of agriculture is in dire straits and the environment is suffering , but I am afraid that the position on animal health is even more dire .
25 If that were the only such delay of which I knew , I would accept that there had simply been an oversight , but I am afraid that , in the circumstances , I can not accept that .
26 I received an answer , but I am afraid that it was a long catalogue of half-measures and good intentions .
27 I shall allow three more questions from each side , but I am afraid that after that we must move on .
28 ‘ This is very interesting , ’ she said , ‘ but I 'm afraid that it is nothing more than a performance .
29 I was hoping that Steinmark would be back on Monday but I 'm afraid that you will have to carry on the best you can .
30 But I 'm afraid that 's not the worst of it .
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