Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [is] [adv] known " in BNC.

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1 If one suppresses the name , one does not suppress the rest of what is reported , so it is reported that someone , or perhaps more than one person who has been defamed , has done something in the course of the case and it may be that he or she is not known to the public and is of no interest to the public .
2 A new respect for craftsmanship and for traditional skills and handicrafts imbued the art world in the late 19th century , encouraged largely by John Ruskin , the eminent art critic , and by William Morris , the poet , designer and Socialist pioneer whose philosophy inspired the Arts and Crafts movement , and who is best known today , perhaps , for his wallpaper designs .
3 A milkman who serves the same customers every day and who is usually known to them personally will clearly have sufficient contact .
4 His field work has been in the Cycladic and Orkney Islands , and he is best known to the public through appearances on BBC TV 's ‘ Chronicle ’ programme , and for his book Before civilisation ( 1973 ) , which transformed prehistoric chronology by applying the results of Carbon 14 dating .
5 Erm Colonel has supported very actively the current Three-Ninetieth Missile Wing like he supported us and he is respectfully known to them as Uncle Joe .
6 I have a reputation for honesty and fair trading — and it 's well known that I do n't have any truck with shady deals , ’ she informed him bluntly .
7 And it 's also known that breastmilk has a special value for babies most vulnerable to infection , for example those born ill or premature .
8 For example , there is growing evidence showing the relationship between poor housing conditions and poor health , both physical and mental , ’ and it is also known that poor housing adversely affects educational attainment , and that overcrowded conditions can lead to domestic tension and perhaps violence .
9 Only a three-yard stretch of the theatre has been unearthed , and it is not known whether any more will be excavated .
10 Damage was also very great in the mustelid samples , but in the one good sample from the pine marten the bones were less modified than in the canid samples , and it is not known at present which pattern is more typical of mustelids .
11 Unfortunately , the Palace had been forced to move to Herne Hill by the time the match against Bob 's old club , Croydon Common , was staged , and it is not known what arrangements were made on the players ' behalf .
12 Firstly , it is inadvisable to take remedies consisting of mixtures as no homoeopathic provings have been done on mixtures and it is not known whether the effects of these are different from the effects of their individual components .
13 It has no cellars in which material could have been stored for safety , and it is not known how much had been removed elsewhere .
14 Others were selected , and it is not known how , as the parish church for an area , in which the sacraments of baptism , marriage and burial were allowed .
15 The aminosalicylates are far less specific agents , and it is not known which of their many pharmacological actions explains their therapeutic effect in inflammatory bowel disease .
16 The natural history of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis has not been clearly documented , and it is not known whether its presence has an independent influence on the prognosis of the affected patient .
17 Few of these have been specifically identified and it is not known whether any single factor is essential for the development of Crohn 's disease .
18 At the time of the investigation , 300 cases were still in hospital and it is not known how many will later develop cirrhosis of the liver , to which veno-occlusive disease is known to be contributory factor .
19 And it is well known that , being required to prepare designs for a useless and costly object by one of our leading nobility , long since deceased , one of princely fortune , but who had an extravagant passion for building , he purposely appealed to the son to advise his father to give the intention ’ .
20 And it is well known that children who have been read to in their preschool years have a general advantage when the learning of reading begins .
21 " Many property groups have recently been in difficulties , and it is generally known in the City that the Ingard group has not been doing well .
22 It then reverted to the church , not without some controversy , and it is now known as the church rooms .
23 The Council of 500 was drawn from the demes in proportion to their population ( see p. 112 ) and it is now known ( for instance ) that in the time of Kleisthenes no more than one-quarter of known Athenians can be attributed to city demes .
24 First , non-response was high and it is now known that , as a category , non-respondents are often very different in a number of relevant respects from those who do respond .
25 They could obtain compass information from the sun and stars , and it is indeed known that some seasonal migrators follow stellar patterns ; stellar orientation has been particularly well studied in the indigo bunting , a bird that inhabits North America .
26 In the language of sociobiology , " kinship " , outside the immediate bond of mother/infant and , perhaps , sibling/sibling , is a biological relationship which may be discovered by the research worker but which is not known to the actors in the scenario under observation .
27 His first known job was of advising on the course alterations at Pyecombe in Sussex in 1902 , but he is better known for designing from scratch some of the country 's most stunning courses — Carnoustie , Dalmahoy , Blairgowrie and Royal Blackheath , plus many , many more .
28 Edmund Becke 's 1549 revision of the so-called ‘ Matthew ’ version ( Thomas Matthew being a fictitious name adopted to cover the true identity of the translator ) was also a Bug Bible ; but it is also known as the ‘ Wife-beater Bible ’ because of Becke 's annotation at I St. Peter iii.7 .
29 Sir , the pond in D thirty nine has been shown to be a breeding place for the Great Crested Newt , but it is also known that it migrates to other ponds , several others , but does not necessarily breed there , but chooses at Skelton .
30 This gives what Lord Wright calls the " datum figure " , but it is also known as the annual dependency or the multiplicand .
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