Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [adv] happen in " in BNC.

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1 Or you could just write about how you enjoyed the story or you did n't enjoy the story , or you think it 's a great story , or what actually happened in the story .
2 So it was , the prophecy was written then by Daniel for our , for our time and it just happened in our , because you know er , when he was er , when he finished the book write written and he said I have seen the , the , the erm visions and I 've heard the voice , but I , and I 've written down what I was told to do , but I do not understand and then the voice said to him well close that down , that book is not for you to understand , the generations that it 's written for , it 's written for the end of the times , they will come to understand it , and you see we actually witnessing what 's happening
3 The cases where there is the most sustained coverage are acquittals and yet obtaining an acquittal for this group of offences is a comparatively rare phenomenon , both as a proportion of cases reported in newspapers and what actually happens in the court .
4 Deem herself acknowledges that the match between policy decisions made at one level of government and what actually happens in the classroom may be less than perfect .
5 [ W ] hat a Constitution says is one thing , and what actually happens in practice may be quite another .
6 Between was set out on paper as theory and what actually happened in practise .
7 However , that evidence has to be considered along with what issue the referee had to consider and what actually happened in the reference .
8 The video work at this school revealed to some teachers the gap between their perception of what is happening and what really happens in the classroom .
9 I am sorry I d d , I agree with you on one one point that the Middle Eastern er , er government that of the super power from , from the reception , but what really happened in the Gulf War is a typical reflection of the injustice of how the war was being conducted .
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