Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [be] true that " in BNC.

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1 And it 's true that , without ever resorting to circus gimmicks , Armani manages to make the world 's sexiest women — Michelle Pfeiffer and Julia Roberts head the list — even sexier .
2 You read in magazines that even top models are often unhappy with their looks , and it 's true that the pressures on us mean we are never allowed to feel all right about ourselves .
3 Well , no , you can not breed Killifish as you would Zebra Danios or Angelfish and it 's true that some are best left to the specialist .
4 " The judge asked how we could possibly do any more with the garden , and it 's true that the only way forward is by making small changes , which we like to do as it gives us so much enjoyment . "
5 Chairman Michael started off on a nice tripartisan note which er I think we on this side er did appreciate and it 's true that this panel er has agreed a great deal , covered a lot of ground and er I think er avoided the sort of er , er controversy etc. , etc. , was which we 're now caring now we are arranging in practical groups does mean the Labour groups has introduced a sound note er Brian started off by saying that the Conservatives er were not interested in an economic development strategy , er I must point out that and this activity derives from the local government managing act nineteen eighty nine , and by the present Government .
6 And it is true that whereas on the whole Pound managed his amorous career with more decorum than Shelley , still the pattern was , so far as we can discern , not very different .
7 And it is true that Williams was aware of creative work in American photography and painting , as Pound in his self-exile could not be .
8 Certainly , it is an eccentric work and it is true that its spiritual elevation-signalled , Berg-like , by the entry of an instrumental chorale towards the end-cannot be anticipated in the early stages of its apparently disorganised single-movement construction .
9 Certainly , it is an eccentric work and it is true that its spiritual elevation-signalled , Berg-like , by the entry of an instrumental chorale towards the end-cannot be anticipated in the early stages of its apparently disorganised single-movement construction .
10 His plan was to pre-empt my own and it is true that he was first to publish some of his proposals .
11 It is always salutary to question whether edicts are obeyed , and it is true that many of Charlemagne 's do not emphasize sanctions but assume a sense of shared moral responsibility throughout society .
12 The Carboniferous is popularly known as the ‘ Age of Amphibians ’ , and it is true that the amphibians reached a dominance in the vertebrate world at this time which they never again equalled .
13 However , the two were concurrent , and it is true that vasectomy operations can leave post-operative complications of which pain is one .
14 And it is true that if , for example , there were a library catering specifically for the mentally retarded , this would be the first to be closed because it would create the greatest publicity .
15 Vertue wrote of Ramsay 's second style as being ‘ rather lick't than pencilled ’ , and it is true that there is less variety of texture to be observed in a Ramsay than in , say , a Hogarth portrait .
16 I mentioned that motherhood is a great leveller , and it is true that it can break down all sorts of social barriers .
17 I am always accused of , and criticised for , my comments on the establishment that runs British tennis and it is true that I have been , and will continue to be , critical in the future , but I do believe that constructive critical assessment performs a valuable function .
18 Public inquiries have the advantage that they remove all suspicion of cover-up from any government department , and it is true that the examination and cross-examination by skilled counsel usually leads to the veracity and relevance of the evidence being established .
19 The Select Committee suggested that these costs might actually be too high and it is true that if our ‘ Safestore ’ strategy is adopted we will be able to reduce the liability by at least a further £500 million .
20 With binoculars the chances are obviously much less , but one never knows — and it is true that in 1885 a supernova blazed out in the Andromeda Spiral and almost reached naked-eye visibility .
21 And it is true that while it is easy to glean rapidly from a representation such as table 5.1 or 5.2 information on relationships between speaker and linguistic variables , the quantitative analysis and interpretation of such data is in fact a complicated matter .
22 And it is true that no one ever expected him to walk openly and directly up to Tara and request admittance at the Western Gate .
23 There have certainly been criticisms of the relatively narrow view which private practitioners have taken of their work ( a failing which results partly from the type of legal education currently provided ) and it is true that the introduction of the legal advice and assistance scheme in 1973 was intended to give solicitors the opportunity to take a wider range of work .
24 Your turn er and they have erm they do hedge this is I mean our policy is broadly to hedge er o on a twelve month rolling forecast forward er to what extent and what timing is a function of judgment and it is true that the erm er Doulton receivables for ninety three are seventy percent hedged already at a little above the current spot rate .
25 you 're coming near to the end of your shift you 're not waking up because it 's getting near morning whereas everybody else is , you 're finding it much more difficult to carry on because you 've gone through the whole night working , the night is well along and it becomes increasingly more difficult to stay awake so physically , spiritually , whatever way you look at it , it is certainly very difficult to stay awake in the truth today , but it is n't that difficult and it is n't er a hurdle that none of us can overcome , Jehovah says that his load is light , Jesus echoed that did n't he and it is true that if we do Jehovah 's will , Jehovah 's way , then it will be made light for us , he will help us to stay awake , but he 's not going to allow us to slumber and drift off into obscurity , but it all comes back in hinges upon us and that 's why the counsel is in verse thirteen as a day , as in a day time look , let us walk decently so we have to do something do n't we ?
26 And it is true that , I mean , well , you know , I 've spent a lot of time reviving typefaces that are not around , I mean , you know , propping them up , creating a waxed edition , sort of Madam Tussauds version of Lucien or something , but it 's very interesting — there is not , in type development terms , there is n't a whole lot that has happened after the Second World War that really turns me on .
27 And it was true that Simon had the self-possession of somebody much older : he seemed to have everything worked out .
28 And it was true that the Captain was proceeding as though they were .
29 And it was true that Rodie was very abstracted throughout dinner .
30 But it is true that , with some 70% of outstanding shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the vaults of friendly business partners , Japanese firms are under little pressure to increase dividends and their managements have few fears of being replaced in a sudden stockmarket coup .
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