Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [be] sure that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He has been crying out for support for ages , and I am sure that this new opportunity is just what he is looking for . ’
2 I am going to attempt such a classification not with the belief that it is either scientific — this University has a Department of Criminology , and I am sure that my attempts would be regarded as very crude in those august circles — nor with the idea that the classification will be exhaustive , but by way of illustration of my essential point that different criminal phenomena , or anti-law-and-order phenomena , require different types of reaction on the part of the rest of society and imply different prognoses .
3 It gained terrific publicity , but it takes more than column inches to sell records , and I am sure that Elvis 's continuing success has more to do with talent .
4 ‘ He will have one race before then , but I have yet to decide where , ’ said the trainer , adding : ‘ He is a much stronger horse now and I am sure that one and a half miles is his best distance . ’
5 And I am sure that Alfred Nobel was part of the group , also . ’
6 I think that many parents want to think that the first parents are irrelevant , and I am sure that this is a mistake .
7 Erwin Schulhoff 's neo-Ravel/Poulencian Third Sonata is also an absolute charmer in five movements , but it is Nicolai Kapustin 's jazz-inflected Second Sonata which left the most lasting impression , its perpetueum mobile Finale bordering on the insane in its executant demands , and I am sure that Petrov 's blinding performance is destined to become a classic of recorded piano music .
8 I found your ideas to be very helpful , from a teaching point of view , and I am sure that players will find them particularly beneficial for the development of control and co-ordination .
9 The Reds were well on top and I am sure that if I had lasted the game I would have given the selectors something to think about .
10 We have all worked very hard to make sure that our district societies are representative of all members and I am sure that a breakdown of the composition of committees would prove this .
11 Even old brass curtain rings can be used as small circular frames , and I am sure that the more you look , the more the ideas that will come to mind .
12 I learnt an enormous amount during this process , and I am sure that the company benefited from the results of the mission .
13 I seem to remember an American thesis writer who crashed to the ground over this contorted problem , and I am sure that both Worsley and Sir John Summerson ( who contributes an elegant introduction to Mansbridge 's book ) would concur that mystery still surrounds the problem of Nash the draughtsman .
14 His painting gives us much pleasure — he did splendidly to find his way so well with his painting — and I am sure that he must have responded to being appreciated for his work as well as for his teaching .
15 And I am sure that a mighty host awaits him in the Next World . ’
16 To this suggestion he attributed the Labour Party 's success in the 1964 election and I am sure that no one could have persuaded him otherwise .
17 ‘ He [ Mr Lamont ] decided that it was necessary to increase taxes and I am sure that he was right .
18 Mr. Wakeham : The Order Paper is designed primarily for the use of right Hon. and Hon. Members , and I am sure that many of us who have become familiar with its style and format would — contrary to the Hon. Gentleman 's belief find the changes that he proposes considerably less convenient .
19 The Minister ought to accept this group of amendments in principle on ethical grounds and I am sure that he will do so .
20 It was a place where there were huge contrasts between the ‘ haves ’ and the ‘ have nots ’ — between those who worshipped at the altar of a comfortable middle-class lifestyle and those who worshipped at the altar of envy and jealousy of those around them — and I am sure that you can find echoes of those things in Exeter at this end of 1991 .
21 I have notified our national Treasurer and I am sure that she will write on behalf of the Executive to thank the Branch for their support .
22 And I am sure that Tilly and the staff would wish to join us in expressing their heartfelt relief . ’
23 You all deserve congratulations for ensuring that the visit was such a success , and I am sure that it will be a great boost to all concerned with the project on its first birthday .
24 Congratulations to the S.V.R. for all they have achieved over the past 25 years and I am sure that all members of the BCRS will wish them continuing success in the years to come .
25 Perth has many colourful attractions for tourists , it enjoys a high quality of life and I am sure that it will continue successfully to attract national and international tourists .
26 I have waited 20 years for a decision on the Ardrossan-Saltcoats-Stevenston bypass , and I am sure that the Minister will give me a favourable result before I retire at the next election .
27 However , the hon. Gentleman will know that the Government have gone to great lengths to help the Northern Ireland economy and I am sure that the measures that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland is taking will continue to alleviate the situation in the Province .
28 My hon. Friend will realise that his statement on corporation tax for small companies needs slight adjustment and I am sure that he is considering a major adjustment on capital gains , which I understand is one of the taxes where the cost of collection exceeds the revenue .
29 The hon. Gentleman 's points are well made and I am sure that he will draw them to the attention of the chief constable .
30 However , I want to make it clear that , by allowing him to come to Britain , neither I nor any Conservative Member has any agreement whatever with the racialist views that he is peddling , and I am sure that that is true of Opposition Members as well .
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