Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [be] [adv] doing " in BNC.

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1 And I 'm not working next year anyway cos I 've done it for two years on the run and I 'm not doing it next year .
2 Well I 've er turned the tape over after side one , which was my first lesson and I 'm now doing side two , which is this lesson and the idea is to look at the s way in which language is used .
3 My name is David and I 'm now doing a course in Materials Engineering .
4 I never did anything and I never played with children when I was a child because I did n't want to play with peasants on the estate , so I never did anything except sketching , painting and reading , and I 'm still doing pretty well exactly the same thing , and learning languages .
5 I felt I could hardly lift my arm to comb my hair it was such an effort ; but most of all I got so depressed knowing everything was piling up and I was n't doing anything about it , and soon I would n't be able to .
6 I said I was n't going to be , and I was already doing scientific research with you .
7 And I was only doing up here but er , that 's good enough , sort of thing I kissed her on the lips a couple
8 Orders are orders and Krieg ist Krieg and you 're only doing your duty . ’
9 and she 's not doing any thing nice to endear herself to the public apart from erm , what gran grandma says that princess Diana spends too much time with aids patients
10 Overall assessment : Look , those press vultures are always being beastly about Fergie , which is jolly unfair because she ca n't answer back and she 's only doing what any perfectly normal gel would do if they found themselves in her shoes , OK ?
11 Only Nina 's friend , Anne , stayed out of the game , and she was not doing anything to stop it .
12 and we 're not doing it
13 And we 're not doing yet the things that it was planned that we 'd be doing of in a year .
14 Oh , and they 're also doing special deals on season tickets now .
15 And they 're just doing it as a matter of course over there .
16 ‘ The players here have jobs to do — and they 're not doing them .
17 And , okay , unable to perform any part of her normal occupation and they 're not doing anything else , for which they 're paid , not following any other gainful occupation okay , so definition is , unable to perform any part of their normal occupation , and they 're not following any other gainful employment .
18 Yes , but I mean erm excuse me erm there are a lot of people who have been saying for a long time , the council are dragging their heels and they 're not doing anything .
19 Perhaps the job of humans is to make the world , and they 're still doing it .
20 Charlie Chaplin 's silent black and white movies captivated the world in the early part of the century … and they 're still doing it for a new generation coming through .
21 And while I 'm doing that , the two bucks are pushing past me into the room and they 've got his shirt open and they 're really doing a number on him .
22 And they 're all doing their shopping .
23 However , they will have to satisfy unemployment benefit officers that part-time work is not their usual pattern , and they are just doing it while looking for full-time employment .
24 However , they will have to satisfy unemployment benefit officers that part-time work is not their usual pattern , and they are just doing it while looking for full-time employment .
25 However , they will have to satisfy unemployment benefit officers that part-time work is not their usual pattern , and they are just doing it while looking for full-time employment .
26 If the campaigning parents are in the right , then the headteacher is not fit to continue in post and they are actually doing the community a great service in their courageous attempts to expose the truth .
27 Now , after two or three treatments , his coordination has improved and he is also doing much better at school .
28 Lucker points out that his contract comes to a close in Chicago and he is not being paid for anything he is n't doing , and he is not doing anything he is n't paid for .
29 And he is still doing so .
30 Shylock says himself that it is not only a Jewish teaching , it is also a Christian 's way of thought , and he is only doing what a Christian would do : ( Act 3 , Scene 1 , lines 54–55 )
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