Example sentences of "[coord] [art] chairman of the " in BNC.

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1 I did not become a Labour Member of Parliament or the Chairman of the Select Committee on Employment to work for policies that would lead to chronic mass unemployment .
2 ‘ Difficult , ’ agreed Henry , ‘ and made more so , I imagine , by the fact that both the Coroner and the Chairman of the Magistrates ’ Bench were there . ’
3 ‘ What we do n't like , Mr Tyler , is that Mrs Iverson was poisoned in full view of the Coroner and the Chairman of the Bench . ’
4 The mayor and the chairman of the rural district council met the Minister of Health and Local Government on the issue , and Eddie McAteer also raised with the minister the additional problem of thirty-one subtenants , mostly the sons and daughters of Springtown residents , who had not been mentioned in the statement issued following his meeting with the two local authority leaders .
5 The IRFU president Tony Browne and the chairman of the IRFU amateur subcommittee , Roly Meates , are said to have been very sympathetic towards the players .
6 The link between the Ministry and the Réunion is assured by the fact that the head of the Direction and the chairman of the Réunion , ministerial appointments , are one and the same person .
7 He had been told what the writer wrote about the regime and the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council .
8 Apart from the General Secretary , all authorities known to the author count amongst its permanent members the Minister of Defence ( Marshal Sergey Sokolov ) and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers ( Nikolay Ryzhkov ) .
9 Whether or not the Chairman of the KGB ( Victor Chebrikov ) , the Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Eduard Shevardnadze ) and the senior Party Secretary for defence production ( until July 1985 Grigori Romanov ) , have the formal status of permanent members , it is clear that they are in regular attendance , as very likely are the Chairman of the MVD ( Vitaliy Fedorchuk ) and the Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission ( Leonid Smirnov ) .
10 Among those present at the opening were the Director of the Tate Gallery Mr Nicholas Serota , and the Chairman of the Trustees of the Tate Mr Dennis Stevenson .
11 Her father was a prominent local businessman and the chairman of the Bench .
12 By early 1922 tempers were short and the Chairman of the Central Council publicized the dispute in March with an open letter to Austen Chamberlain .
13 Having already turned down Fields 's first licence application in December 1983 , Raymond Colegate , the CAA 's commercial director and the chairman of the licensing panel , was ‘ deeply sceptical ’ of Fields 's ability to get the project airborne .
14 Today , the laughter is heard mainly on the way to the bank as Akio Morita , 61 , the cofounder and the chairman of the Sony Corporation , continues to make his five-billion dollar corporation a fount of ever newer and more dazzling inventions .
15 Then Guinness decided to divest itself of certain whisky brands to reduce its market share and the chairman of the Commission ruled that this meant its bid had been abandoned and that the reference should be set aside .
16 Sitting beside her in the first half were the managing director of Digital Equipment Mr Geoffrey Shingles , and the Chairman of the Sadler 's Wells Trust Professor Gerald Manners ; and in the second Mr Richard Martin director of Corporate Affairs at Digital , and Mr Jeremy Isaacs the Director of the Royal Opera House .
17 Also present were Lord Romsey , Patron of the NCH Birthday Year , and Lady Romsey , looking beautiful in a red evening dress ; the Principal of the NCH the Reverend Michael Newman , Mr John Gray the Director of Advocacy of the NCH ; and the Chairman of the evening Mr Derek Hunt .
18 Notice of the meeting must also be given to the official receiver and the chairman of the meeting must inform the official receiver of the resolutions passed at the meeting , viz to accept the resignation of the trustee , that a new trustee be appointed and that the resigning trustee be or not be given his release ( r 6.127(3) ) .
19 The Committee 's chairman is John Stradling Thomas , Minister of State at the Welsh Office , and the Chairman of the Board is Professor Robert Steel , Principal of University College , Swansea .
20 The Queen , attended by the Prime Minister Lord Salisbury , the Lord-Lieutenant of Berkshire , the Mayor of Windsor , and the Chairman of the Great Western Railway , prepares to board the landau .
21 Lady Gibson fund This fund , held in the joint names of the minister and session clerk of the Church and the chairman of the village association , the interest from which will be used to defray the expenses of a Christmas Treat for the senior citizens in the village .
22 An open exchange of views between the marketing director of Forward Publishing and the chairman of the BAIE Editing for Industry committee , Alan Peaford
23 The chairman of the Action Group is Mrs Leslie Parker , 301 Lanark Road West and the chairman of the education committee is Councillor Mrs Maginnis to whom letters supporting the replacement of the temporary classroom units should be sent .
24 Lady Gibson fund This fund , held in the joint names of the minister and session clerk of the Church and the chairman of the village association , the interest from which will be used to defray the expenses of a Christmas Treat for the senior citizens in the village .
25 Othon Pinheiro da Silva , and the chairman of the National Commission for Nuclear Energy ( CNEN ) , Rex Nazaré Alves , were quoted in the daily O Globo of April 9 , 1989 , as confirming that Brazil was now producing uranium enriched to 20 per cent ( regarded as the threshold of nuclear weapons technology ) .
26 It was announced on Feb. 5 that Bush was dispatching Defence Secretary Dick Cheney and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Gen. Colin Powell , to Saudi Arabia to examine the situation .
27 The massacre of 17 Inkatha members in a roadside ambush in Natal on Feb. 10 , which a local Inkatha official blamed on ANC supporters , was followed by the signature of a joint statement on Feb. 11 by Mandela and the chairman of the Inkatha Freedom Party , Frank Mdlalose , pledging to work for " peace and political tolerance among our people " , and to " uncover the roots of these acts of violence " .
28 SOC leaders including Hun Sen , and the Chairman of the National Assembly , Chea Sim , visited flood-affected areas in Kandal and Takeo to distribute relief .
29 Following a meeting on Dec. 24 attended by the President , Prime Minister , senior officers of the armed forces and the chairman of the HCR , Mgr .
30 The issue was raised inconclusively in talks between Hungarian President Arpad Göncz and the Chairman of the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly , Alexander Dubcek , during a visit by the latter to Budapest on Feb. 6-7 .
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