Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] his eyes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She looked up and found his eyes resting upon her , an inscrutable expression hidden within their depths .
2 Before leaving he stood for a moment at the door and let his eyes range round the room as if he were seeing it for the first time .
3 He turned and let his eyes lock with the laird 's , the minister 's , and the factor 's , each one in turn , while they stared back and tried to look perfectly blank .
4 He looked up and let his eyes move across the rows of faces before him .
5 He got as far as lifting his head and getting one shoulder off the seat , but then collapsed back onto the leather , and let his eyes close .
6 The Friar frowned , checked his ho-hoings and allowed his eyes to flicker from the enemies in front .
7 He resorted to his only hopeless defence … and screwed his eyes shut .
8 Victor pauses , and raises his eyes to meet mine .
9 He felt the glass being tweaked from his fingers and opened his eyes to see her disappearing into the kitchen .
10 At last the big bully grated to a stand-still , and opened his eyes to see the effect on his little friend .
11 He shrugged and raised his eyes to meet Shiona 's .
12 But , as curiosity overcame her , ‘ Er — what is it ? ’ she had to ask , and saw his eyes light up with laughter .
13 Fenella , hardly daring to speak , but knowing she must raise her voice above the treadmills , said , ‘ Where is — ’ And saw his eyes smile , as if to say : he is not here for the moment .
14 He turned up his coat collar and gave his eyes time to adjust to the thickness of the night fog .
15 From inside the house the scratchy gramophone burble of " Muskrat Ramble " was providing an incongruous counterpoint to the screech of the wild birds wakening unseen in the roof of the surrounding jungle , and Duclos sighed and closed his eyes to concentrate better on the music .
16 He hardly looked at her , but kept his eyes trained on her hands , or on his , but now and then she caught his look behind the smoked glass of his lenses , a milky , slightly protruding glance , mild as a trout .
17 " That was your idea , too , " Quiss said , not looking at her , but lowering his eyes to watch his finger moving over the table 's cut patterns .
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