Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] pick [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 It will take a fair amount of skill and cajoling to pick up the pieces . ’
2 Judy knew Brown Owl would be very cross if she saw Mandy on the other side of the fence — but she did n't have time to worry very long about that , for in a minute or two a loud , frightened scream shrilled from Mandy , who had stepped forward and bent to pick up the ball resting on the bright-green surface of the ground — and found herself up to her knees in treacherous , clinging slime .
3 As soon as she stopped struggling and stood motionless he let her go and bent to pick up the shoes she 'd dropped .
4 He stood up , stretched and bent to pick up the tray .
5 The antics of the children as they scrambled and tried to pick up the coins were one of the highlights of the day .
6 Then , riding on , he stiffly dismounted , avoiding the kicking of disabled horses , and stooped to pick up the now trampled and muddied Lion Rampant standard of Scotland .
7 Linda opened the front door for the milk , and stooped to pick up the bottles .
8 She sighed , and turned to pick up the clock on the bedside table .
9 Juliette bent down and began picking up the smashed pieces of china .
10 Immediately , her expression and pace of approach changed and instead of the lambasting , or worse , she had seemed about to deliver , she gave the child a tolerant smile and began to pick up the scattered cans .
11 She went through into the boudoir and began to pick up the bedclothes .
12 Mrs. Hennessy bent down and began to pick up the bed — clothes .
13 To the accompaniment of one of Alan Dell 's Big Band programmes Patrick told Peter Jennings about the murder and the theft of the letters , the switched bodies and his decision to come out to Romania and try to pick up the scent of John and Angela Bonnard .
14 UNIT had been routinely monitoring the signals in the area and had picked up the SOS messages from the passenger aircraft .
15 ‘ Coming back and trying to pick up the threads ca n't be easy . ’
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