Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] knew [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 And El-ahrairah knew then that although he would not be mocked , yet Frith was his friend .
2 ‘ Promise you wo n't tell him , ’ Travis interrupted , and Leith knew then that she could talk to him until she was blue in the face , but he was just not hearing .
3 ‘ Finished it , ’ he concluded for her , and Leith knew then that if Naylor Massingham had been looking to find fault with her work then plainly he 'd left no stone unturned .
4 Ven chopped her off stingingly before she could finish — and Fabia knew then that she was n't going to get off as lightly as she 'd hoped .
5 He said it thoughtfully , as though he might reconsider , but Philip knew then that he had no intention of changing .
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