Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] be be seek " in BNC.

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1 Twenty intending solicitors or barristers are being sought immediately for articles or pupillage , at starting salaries of £12,672 .
2 Funding for the ecological study will come from the BMC and Land 's End and assistance is being sought from the Penwith Peninsula Project , a body dedicated to conserving the area 's unique landscape .
3 Members from all areas in accounting and audit are being sought to join a group to help influence the development of electronic data interchange in a way that takes into account the profession 's requirements in the UK and Europe .
4 At the same time , ways and means were being sought of preventing scurvy , the scourge of all who crewed ships on long voyages .
5 Court permission has been granted to sell the property and advice is being sought as to the best way to approach this but the state of the building and the effects of the economic situation do not make for easy decisions .
6 Court permission has been granted to sell the property and advice is being sought as to the best way to approach this but the state of the building and the effects of the economic situation do not make for easy decisions .
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