Example sentences of "[noun prp] stared up at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Maxham stared up at the ceiling .
2 Riven stared up at the Manse with its flapping pennants .
3 Kebbel stared up at the ceiling .
4 Harry stared up at the ceiling and followed with his eye the pattern of the coving .
5 Isabel stared up at the royal castle high on its hill overlooking the town and wondered what the grim stone fortress would mean to her .
6 Alexandra stared up at the piece of mural nearest her , which showed a rocky little headland , some twisted pines , a stretch of white sand lapped by azure waves .
7 Athelstan stared up at the sky .
8 Athelstan stared up at the sky .
9 Outside Benjamin stared up at the darkening sky .
10 Zlorf and Ymor stared up at the figure on the threshold .
11 Tony stared up at the stage and marvelled at the charisma that surrounded the young man .
12 As they lay on the great four poster bed , their bodies entwined , Maude almost lost in Cranston 's great fat folds , Sir John stared up at the ceiling , brushing his wife 's hair with his cheek , listening to her chattering about this and that .
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