Example sentences of "[noun prp] stood [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Tenor David stood alone in the choir stalls yesterday to sing with vicar Bill Rigby and the congregation at St John Lee church at Acomb , Northumberland .
2 Frere stood tall on the ice , his head thrown back in laughter .
3 Under the leadership of Paulinho Paiakan ( Chief of the Kayapo people ) the Xavante , the Arara , the Gaviao and the Yanomami stood firm against the might of money and earned their territories a much needed respite .
4 Cuba stood alone in the face of " threats of world imperialism and reaction " , spearheaded by the USA but would not be receiving further supplies of needed arms .
5 Riven stood alone on the eerily deserted ramparts , and chafed with impatience .
6 Karen stood alone in the middle of the street .
7 The Glovers stood alone on the bridge and watched the terns .
8 Ellwood stood close to the bole of an apple tree and watched the bar .
9 Ellwood stood waist-high in the water as Carey floated free .
10 As a Celtic-mad kid of 11 , Creaney stood wide-eyed on the Parkhead terraces to watch his heroes take on the best in Europe .
11 Throughout this speech of Sandison 's Maidstone stood motionless at the bar , unable to say a word .
12 Farquhar stood still under the pain and the pressure .
13 Fascinated , Mary stood still on the narrow path and watched as the estate-car tore down the slope .
14 Clasper stood alone on the box , clasping a hand microphone to his ranting mouth .
15 The Trunchbull stood motionless on the platform .
16 Juliet stood half-way down the stairs , familiarly pale .
17 Even as Mrs Thatcher stood triumphant for the third time on the stairs at Central Office the applauding apparatchiks were already honing the knives for the Saatchi team which was blamed for various mid-campaign woes .
18 Yanto stood alone in the oily smelling cabin , allowing his eyes to grow accustomed to the gloom after the bright sunshine outside .
19 Isabel stood alone in the solar .
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