Example sentences of "[noun prp] since [adj] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 It may also be proposed , however , that some influential critics writing in England since 1980 have been particularly swift to recognize how the modern concert situation and the CD recital can draw performers of medieval and Renaissance music into realms of fantasy and gimmickry .
2 Elizabeth Goldby since 1985 has been Principal of Eare Shilton Community College , a 14–19 Upper School and Community College serving a semi-rural area of South West Leicestershire .
3 Carole Hillenbrand since 1979 has been lecturer in Arabic at the University of Edinburgh , where here husband Robert , is Professor of Islamic Art .
4 It has also encouraged the use of new financial control mechanisms such as external financing limits , which in Britain since 1979 have been used as a covert pay policy ( Heald and Steel 1981 : 15 ) .
5 There had been 169 executions in US states since the death penalty was restored by the Supreme Court in 1976 , most of them in conservative Southern states , but on April 6 Arizona had carried out its first execution for 29 years , while in March the first execution in Delaware since 1946 had been implemented .
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