Example sentences of "[noun prp] walked [adv] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Rachaela walked out on to the street .
2 Maggie walked out on to the balcony and looked across at the mountains .
3 Max was putting his bag into the boot of his BMW as Morse walked slowly up to him .
4 She burst into tears and Morse walked diffidently over to the settee , where he temporarily displaced the teddy-bear , put his right arm along her shoulder , and held her to him as she sobbed away the storm .
5 Sheila walked slowly over to the window and watched Cedric as he wheeled his bicycle across Beaumont Street towards St Giles ' .
6 Mr Malik walked swiftly over to them and aimed a shrewd blow at their ears .
7 Lachlan walked slowly up to his room and stared down at his wife lying smiling at him ; and at the red , crumpled face and red , crumpled hair of his son , yelling just like his father in a temper ; and back to Marion again .
8 Jack walked quickly over to the door .
9 Jack walked back up to the landing and put his arm around his daughter .
10 Claudia walked slowly back to the hotel ; she could leave Alnwick now before Roman came back , if he did come back .
11 Discarded by the press , the hapless Mrs Ullman walked slowly back to the Tube station , still reeling from her brief moment of TV fame .
12 They were on the brow of a little hill and Sara walked farther on to look down on the county spread in front of her , idly trying to recognise familiar landmarks — It was a travel-ad view — neat lush fields , trim hedgerows , a farmhouse nestling in amongst its windbreak of trees , a sheet of yellow on the far hills where a field of mustard was in bloom , and for the rest , a thousand different shades of the greens of high summer , a piece of England basking in the sun and as beautiful as any foreign strand .
13 Charles walked straight up to him and asked what was wrong .
14 Evelyn walked quietly back to her seat .
15 Clare walked quickly back to the house .
16 Rachel walked out on to the main road a few minutes later feeling overwhelmed with guilt .
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