Example sentences of "[noun prp] was reported to have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Sun 's publisher Rupert Murdoch was reported to have ordered an apology in what was described by assistant editor Chris Davis as a ‘ handsome and gracious ’ gesture after discussions ‘ at the very highest level ’ .
2 The EC sought co-operation against drug traffickers , and Mexico was reported to have inserted at the last minute a formula to safeguard its national jurisdiction in this area .
3 On Dec. 31 , Col. Moamer al Kadhafi was reported to have said that the Boeing might have been blown up by the Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) in retaliation for Libya 's disclosures to the United Kingdom government of its former IRA links .
4 President Joseph Saidu Momoh was reported to have fled to neighbouring Guinea on April 30 after mutinous soldiers said that they had seized control of the country .
5 President Mubarak was reported to have received an envoy from the Sudanese Head of State , Lt.-Gen.
6 Ukraine was reported to have criticized the draft agreement for not safeguarding against possible bias in the ITRC , which would use the facilities of the ex-Soviet ( now Russian ) Ostankino company .
7 Russia was reported to have sent about 10 motorized battalions of Interior Ministry troops to the North Caucasus republics within the RF , in an attempt to protect RF borders and maintain order .
8 Spain was reported to have come under pressure from the EC 's Schengen group to tighten up immigration control ; the ultimate aim of the current Schengen Agreement signatories ( the Benelux countries , France , Germany and Italy ) was the abolition of border controls throughout the EC with an accompanying strengthening of external frontiers .
9 The UAE was reported to have reacted in a low-key manner to the Iranian takeover , coming as it did at a time when the Gulf states were hoping for improved relations with Iran .
10 Later in the month Iliescu was reported to have expressed a readiness for Romanian-Moldavan unification .
11 President Saparmurad Niyazov was reported to have said that the CP would continue in Turkmenia .
12 During a three-day visit to the north of Russia beginning on April 28 , Yeltsin was reported to have said in conversation that the Congress , having failed to resolve the land issue , would have to be dissolved ; he reportedly called for a referendum to be held to alter the constitution accordingly .
13 Farah Aydid was reported to have agreed to the deployment of UN guards and unarmed observers , but had rejected the sending of armed soldiers .
14 Israel was reported to have stepped up military activity in the " security zone " in early October , including the shelling of villages and the overflight of Lebanese territory by the Israeli airforce .
15 Akashi was reported to have dismissed these Khmer Rouge demands , insisting that the peace agreement provided for the country 's Vietnamese-installed administration to remain in place until replaced by an elected government in April or May 1993 .
16 Membership of the PDS was reported to have declined from 2,400,000 in 1989 to 250,000 in May 1991 .
17 The stock fell another 6 to 240p before Hoare Govett was reported to have issued a recommendation on the basis of a 9 p.c. yeild , helping the price partially recover to 242½p .
18 US Deputy Treasury Secretary David Mulford was reported to have criticized the deficit run up in financing German unification , in comments rejected by Finance Minister Theo Waigel and other German officials .
19 On May 9 , de Klerk was reported to have said that the carrying by Zulus of spears and other accoutrements , which Chief Buthelezi insisted were " cultural " in purpose , would still be permitted , provided they were not " misused " .
20 On Aug. 20 , Australia was reported to have stopped supplies for the same reason .
21 Meanwhile on Jan. 21 Pérez de Cuéllar was reported to have received peace proposals from the Soviet Union , India and Algeria .
22 The MNR was reported to have made new demands for forthcoming elections to be supervised by the UN .
23 Elsewhere in the country , the MNR was reported to have stepped up its attacks , killing 45 people , mostly Mozambican troops and Zimbabwean lorry drivers , in an attack on a protected convoy on the Tete highway on Feb. 11 .
24 The MNR was reported to have refused to discuss a ceasefire until these matters were agreed .
25 On June 13 Cohen was reported to have proposed a partial withdrawal of rebel forces from the south and the opening of land routes to the town of Juba .
26 Faced with Taylor 's continuing hostility to the ECOMOG force , Côte d'Ivoire was reported to have proposed its replacement by a UN force , but the idea was rejected by Sawyer on Aug. 19 .
27 On his release Stevens was reported to have suggested that he wanted to continue his Nagriamel movement .
28 Iran was reported to have paid US$600 million for the submarine which , Tehran radio reported on Nov. 23 , had joined the Iranian fleet in the Gulf .
29 On Oct. 12 Saudi Arabia was reported to have pledged US$50,000,000 and medical assistance .
30 Babangida raised the question of Nigerian eligibility for more favourable debt relief ; France was reported to have offered a US$25,000,000 loan to assist the government 's structural adjustment programme .
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