Example sentences of "[noun prp] have argue that the " in BNC.

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1 Banks has argued that the main factor in the decision to limit family size was the attempt to maintain the standard of living in more difficult economic circumstances in the late nineteenth century , and in particular the rising cost of servants which altered the middle class way of life .
2 Mr. Newman has argued that the earlier decisions involved the application of prior restraints and exercise of the discretion of the court , whereas the issue of a writ in libel is the first step in an action which a party has a right to take and consequently is outside the principles enunciated in those cases .
3 Indeed Mr Mr Williamson has argued that the policy is not more restrictive than national policy , it is clearly not in the county council 's mind that a more restrictive approach is needed .
4 First , Bologna has argued that the remarkable political vitality of the International Workers of the World ( IWW ) can be traced in part to the character of the American proletariat which it organised , in the early years of the twentieth century , as a ‘ mobile proletariat … completely against identification with any task or skill ’ ( Bologna , 1976 , p. 72 ) .
5 There Darwin had argued that the extraordinary shapes of orchids were the result of evolution in conjunction with generally a single kind of insect fertilizer .
6 Goldstein and Cuttance have argued that the use of average scores as advocated by the Task Group is meaningless and unfair to schools in deprived areas .
7 Paul Addison has argued that the character of the ‘ Attlee consensus ’ was one which fell far short of full-blooded planning of a totalitarian kind :
8 Robinson had argued that the Church was in a critical position in that it was becoming ever more remote from modern society and that it must therefore rethink its position .
9 New Right economists such as Lees , Friedman and Selsdon have argued that the model , with appropriate modifications , is applicable to health care , which they deem to be a consumption rather than an investment good ( the opposite view to that of Beveridge and the Fabian Socialists ) .
10 Paul Piccone has argued that the relative success of monopoly capital in the 1930s and 1940s in incorporating much of social and cultural life within its own orbit led Adorno
11 As early as 1934 Bachelard had argued that the revolutionary changes in physics , such as relativity theory and microphysics , meant that science itself was currently defined by its reaction against the past , and had become a ‘ philosophy of the non , — non-Cartesian , non-Euclidean , non-Newtonian , and non-Baconian .
12 Irvine has argued that the opening of this entry channel may also require InsP 4 and that such an action would explain those instances where both inositol phosphates are required .
13 Bishop Cahal Daly has argued that the debate on multi-denominational schools has effectively taken people 's attention away from the central issues in Northern Ireland , namely social injustice , fundamental political inequality , and the violence .
14 Greenpeace had argued that the commissioning tests , which involve the use of radioactive materials , should not have been allowed before a final decision on the plant 's go-ahead .
15 Such writers as the English philosopher Locke had argues that the security of private property was an essential prerequisite for the evolutionary progress of society and increasing human happiness .
16 ‘ But they will lose their reason , ’ says Peter Verkhovensky 's lieutenant when Peter has argued that the quintet will hold together after the murder ‘ unless they 've lost their reason ’ .
17 Patsy Healey has argued that the crux of the political dilemma lies in the traditional Conservative support in the shire counties :
18 In addition , it is worth noting that Markowitz has argued that the inconclusive nature of the empirical research does not mean that the CAPM can not be sensibly used for portfolio analysis and assessment .
19 In his Essay on the Principle of Population of 1797 , Malthus had argued that the human race always had the potential to breed faster than the food supply could be increased .
20 Harris has argued that the value of life can only sensibly be taken to be that value that those alive place on their lives .
21 Before he became Home Secretary Morrison had argued that the best way for Jews to prevent anti-semitism was to ensure that they could not be blamed for social injustices in areas where they lived .
22 Aristotle had argued that the male semen gave ‘ form ’ to the ‘ matter ’ provided by the woman ; form here being a determining principle which shapes matter , such that in human beings the form is the rational soul , the particular characteristic which makes us human .
23 O'Connor has argued that the expansion of state intervention has led inevitably to fiscal crisis .
24 Peter Wicke has argued that the ‘ street ’ origins of beat music on Merseyside reveal a new sort of collective practice , in which modes of production and levels of musical technique and technology are geared to , and support , an interactive group spontaneity , emphasizing joint composition , arrangement and decision-making ( Wicke 1982 ) .
25 Brown has argued that the material is animal dung which would be in accordance with Brisbane 's suggestion that the domestic wares are a farmyard product ( Brown 1976 ) .
26 Moreover , Professors Keith Cowling and Dennis Mueller have argued that the social cost of monopoly could be as high as 7 per cent of national income .
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