Example sentences of "[noun prp] have never heard of " in BNC.

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1 Branson had never heard of Julien Clerc , but once out of the office he scribbled the name on his hand .
2 Ann had never heard of any of them , and refused to be interested in a genre which she dismissed contemptuously as ‘ fairy tales ’ .
3 Maggie had never heard of those names either .
4 Nothing near as tasty and tender as our … ’ and , her mouth overflowing with steak , beans and croquette potato , Mitzi named an Austrian breed Elisabeth had never heard of ( and did not imagine she would need to remember for future use ) .
5 If the girls do not appear to have an even average awareness of culture — a friend said that a couple of years ago Zsuzsa had never heard of
6 Nick and Carrie had never heard of her until now .
7 Harry had never heard of the man , but his status and circumstances sounded disturbingly similar to his own .
8 If Jones has never heard of Tolstoy or read any of his books , it is meaningless to assert that Jones either likes Tolstoy as a writer or does not like Tolstoy as a writer .
9 Greg had never heard of any of them .
10 A year later Mrs Meehan wrote , ‘ As I say again , Paddy or Jim had never heard of Mr Ross until after this crime , and I know if not this week or this year , he will clear himself one day .
11 Trent had never heard of the President being a drinker , secret or otherwise , and it was the sort of habit that could n't stay hidden in a country of Belpan 's size .
12 The only secret she had with Travis was about Rosemary , but , since Naylor had never heard of Rosemary , he could n't have sensed that Travis had lost his heart to her neighbour , could he ?
13 People Howard has never heard of pick quarrels and pass out .
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