Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [adv] agree [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The United States had already agreed under the Mutual Defence Aid Programme to provide 70 B-29 bombers ( renamed Washingtons in RAF service ) as a stopgap , and these had started to arrive in March 1950 as part of the NATO build-up in Western Europe before the Korean War began .
2 It was reported in yesterday 's press , however , that North Korea has now agreed to the principle of the nuclear-free Korean peninsula , although it has yet to confirm that it will open up its nuclear installations at Yongbyon and any underground sites to inspection .
3 British Telecom has reluctantly agreed to a new price formula after being rapped by watchdog OFTEL .
4 A recent WRN conference , Share the care and split the difference , was ‘ based on the social charter which the EC is trying to bring in and the UK has n't agreed to yet ’ , says Michaels .
5 Pietro had finally agreed to Zen 's presence , on condition that there was no contact until the pay-off actually began , so during the intervening forty-eight hours he had had nothing to do with the case beyond having the ransom money photographed to record the serial numbers and finalizing the arrangements for collecting Ruggiero when he was released .
6 France , Italy , Spain and the UK had also agreed in January on the joint development of a new surface-to-air missile , codenamed Eurosam .
7 Yeltsin and Bush had also agreed in principle that Russian cosmonauts should fly aboard a US space shuttle and conduct joint space walks with US astronauts in October 1993 , and agreed to ( i ) a possible rendezvous and docking mission between the Mir and the US space shuttle in 1994 or 1995 ; ( ii ) possible US participation in a Russian robot mission to Mars ; ( iii ) joint exchange visits by US and Russian aerospace companies to investigate joint ventures and procurement opportunities ; and ( iv ) US support for the first launch of a US-built satellite aboard a Russian Proton rocket .
8 Laos and Norway had already agreed to ambassadorial-level relations to come in to effect on November 12 .
9 Britain has yet to agree to this advisory figure , however , and talks are still in progress .
10 Britain has only agreed to a package of £65 billion a year .
11 In one of the most startling revelations to emerge early in 1990 about the Zhivkov era , the newspaper Narodna Kultura on Feb. 23 published documentary evidence ( in the form of a BCP central committee resolution from July 1973 ) that Zhivkov had secretly agreed in November 1972 with the then Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev to create conditions for Bulgaria 's annexation by the Soviet Union .
12 As part of a plea bargain arrangement with the federal authorities in April 1990 , Milken had already agreed to be debarred from the securities industry and to pay $200,000,000 in fines and $400,000,000 in restitution .
13 After September 1950 Adenauer had also agreed to a US proposal for German rearmament , despite the controversy this caused .
14 Following the Arens-Baker meeting , reports in the Israeli media began to imply that Shamir had privately agreed to the compromise formula .
15 The EC has now agreed on a minimum of 15% VAT for most goods , but reduced rates ( minimum 5% ) will be applied to some categories , such as books and transport .
16 India has also agreed in principle to do so .
17 General Mladic had also agreed in principle to open a corridor to Cerska .
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