Example sentences of "[noun prp] be probably [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Christopher was probably a master-miner from the Oberharz mining region within the administrative influence of Hannover .
2 ‘ No poem of mine was composed under circumstances more pleasant for me to remember than this , ’ Wordsworth wrote : Cottle 's home in Wine Street was probably the setting in which ‘ Tintern Abbey ’ reached written form , and almost at once it was chosen to take a place of honour as the last of the Lyrical Ballads .
3 John Coleridge was probably the bastard child of that name baptised on 18 April 1686 at Throwleigh , a remote and beautiful parish on the eastern edge of Dartmoor .
4 SIR Alec Guinness is probably the world 's best known actor , yet he claims to be the only one who can walk down a street unrecognised .
5 who 's probably the orthodox first at position a yard or two behind Jack Russell and Gooch is probably a yard in front of Jack Russell at second slip and Lewis a foot or two up on him at third .
6 Egypt was probably the point of departure for further emigration to Gyrene , to Greece and to Italy .
7 The earliest identifiable event in research on controlled nuclear fusion in Britain is probably the patent taken out in 1946 by Sir George ( G.P. ) Thomson with Moses Blackman .
8 Thomas Freemantle who died three years before Crewe was probably a Jacobite , and was at least an active high Tory .
9 The human enzyme has now been purified and characterised and its properties suggest that , at the high ethanol concentrations in the stomach after drinking , s-ADH is probably the ADH form with the largest contribution to gastric alcohol metabolism .
10 He was by trade a painter-stainer , a craft which in 1581 included face painters , history painters , arms ( heraldic ) painters and house painters ; Treswell was probably an arms painter , for he painted streamers and banners for several City companies .
11 William was probably a clerk in minor orders .
12 MILTON GOLDMAN was probably the world 's most famous theatrical agent .
13 It was a large , impressive house , and he wondered if he should go to the back door , as Tess was probably a servant here .
14 Composition on the conventional melodies-and-basses of the ‘ Romanesca ’ type was another form of variation , though a keyboard set such as Andrea Gabrieli 's ‘ Capriccio sopra II Pass ’ e mezo Antico' was probably a novelty ; Byrd and Farnaby composed sets on ‘ grounds ’ .
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