Example sentences of "[noun prp] [was/were] standing at the " in BNC.

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1 Hawkins was standing at the top where he 'd climbed from the ladder and was gazing nonplussed at the strange scarecrow on the floor .
2 Luke Travis was standing at the top of the short flight of stone steps that led down to the garden .
3 Vince was standing at the window , looking out .
4 Rodney was standing at the cooker .
5 Martin was standing at the furthermost edge of the terrace , looking over the gardens and down to the sea .
6 Martha and Mrs Medlock were standing at the door , staring at Mary , their mouths half open .
7 Ralph Salperton was standing at the living-room window .
8 At least Dr Neil and Miss Mates were sitting ; McAllister was standing at the kitchen door , and moved sedately forward to answer the urgent bell .
9 Alain Gebrec was standing at the entrance to one of the outhouses , hectoring someone inside .
10 When Hari returned she saw that Craig was standing at the window looking out into the darkness .
11 Outside , Green was standing at the top of the steps smoking a cigarette .
12 When he opened his eyes , the taste of blood sharp in his mouth , he expected to see the assassin disappearing into the shadows of the park , but the bizarre Mr Pie was standing at the kerb looking back at him .
13 Grace was standing at the door of her pub chatting to Maudie Mycroft .
14 At eleven the next morning , Tolonen was standing at the West Window in the Room of the Five Directions in the East Palace at Tongjiang , looking out across the gardens towards the lake .
15 As he lifted the receiver he saw that Hilary was standing at the door .
16 Mme Guérigny was standing at the front door , her head pushed back , shouting up to the attic window for Jean-Claude .
17 Terry was standing at the landing window , Rose just retreating down the stairs .
18 Rosie was standing at the door , and ran to help her in .
19 Yvonne was standing at the far end of the room in her red tent dress , her arms extended , a glass of brandy glimmering in one hand .
20 So at mid-day , Doyle was standing at the top of the wide , stone steps of St Paul 's , waiting for the memorial service for a ‘ retired ’ member of MI5 to finish .
21 Victoria was standing at the top of the stairs hanging on to the banister .
22 When they went in Marc was standing at the high-arched window at the far end of a long refectory made sepulchral by huge arching beams of dark oak .
23 Cardiff was standing at the office door , gun raised in Duvall 's direction .
24 When they went into the room , Steiner was standing at the window gripping the bar and looking out .
25 Moonlight was pouring over the valley , black and silver , and presently Lugh was standing at the edge of the forest , looking down into the shallow dip that sheltered the great Manor of Tara .
26 Marler was standing at the reception counter , talking to one of the girls .
27 Leo was standing at the drinks cabinet in the corner , his back to her , yet it did n't prevent his knowing instantly who it was .
28 Leo was standing at the Aga wielding the frying-pan with what appeared to be a great deal of skill , and the smell of frying bacon made Hilary 's mouth water .
29 Blue-eyed boy OUR man on the two bob end reports that man of the people Hartlepool Tory candidate Graham Robb was standing at the Victoria Ground on Saturday .
30 Linda Wood was standing at the door .
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