Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [prep] the far " in BNC.

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1 Wigeon grazed on the far shore .
2 Harry Pascoe shouted from the far end of the room , and young Jan Lanyon , who sailed with him , put up his firsts and echoed : Aye — just let 'em try ! "
3 At eleven o'clock the big Volvo appeared at the far end of the hangar and drove slowly towards him , coming to a stop with its engine running forty feet away .
4 Varroa originated in the Far East where it lives as a parasite on the Apis cerana species of honey bee .
5 Rangers , without a win in their last eight league games , clinched a deserved victory when Mark Bradshaw scored at the far post .
6 Winnie sat in the far corner of the pub ; a twilighted place and the sawdust thick for the feel of sand .
7 Emmie tiptoed to the far side of the bed and switched on the lamp .
8 Hamilton called from the far side of the shop , ‘ It 's end of season , you know .
9 Fairham looked to the far end of the infirmary .
10 Jack 's mother Lilly sat at the far end of the table opposite her husband .
11 ‘ Thirty-eight , ’ Ardamal prompted from the far side of the squalid , duralinium-lined bunkroom .
12 Simpson crossed to the far post where Gabbiadini glided in to side-foot home .
13 Allen stood on the far side , watchful with his bow in his hand .
14 He was still perched on the stool while Evelyn sat on the far side of the kitchen table .
15 Klift pointed to the far corner .
16 Postine waited on the far side of the temple building , her teeth gritted .
17 Carolyn leaned to the far side of each window , but there was no greenhouse to be seen .
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