Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] ever [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was the closest Neil had ever come to Wembley and on the way home that night he came to the conclusion that this was the closest he would ever come in his entire life .
2 If David had ever learned of the things Phipps had said to her , he would probably …
3 He also received a large sum of money , which included all the commission Richard Branson had ever earned as his manager .
4 Only Sidey had ever played in the first team .
5 This was the first time Eve had ever talked about her life .
6 ‘ Unless Flixe needs me , ’ he said , looking at his wife with a mixture of protectiveness and adoration that made Julia think back to her own honeymoon and wonder whether Anthony had ever looked at her like that .
7 That was his reward for a brevet lieutenant-colonelcy in a cavalry regiment and it was more money than Sharpe had ever earned in his life .
8 The Crown Princess , the future High Queen , beautiful and untried , and more desirable than any woman Fergus had ever seen before or since .
9 The dockside was the busiest place Ruth had ever seen in her life .
10 Bryony was the most definite , dogmatic , and ( in the defence of her own ideas ) fierce person Caro had ever met at close quarters .
11 The best trip Paddy had ever done like that , because they were such a lovely bunch
12 I wondered how it was possible to love many men when you had once loved one more than your immortal soul , and whether Lili had ever loved like that , or whether this was a torment saved for ridiculous people like myself .
13 That nerve-racking encounter with Julius had dashed any hopes Jessamy had ever had of being able to get a good night 's sleep .
14 Caroline had smiled and said yes , it was , but what she 'd really wanted to say was that she doubted if Nicolo had ever hesitated about getting what he wanted in his entire life .
15 It is doubtful that auctioneer John Marion had ever presided over such a disastrous start to an auction .
16 It was a summer 's evening as beautiful as God had ever blessed on a wicked world .
17 In fact , it was a stubborn virginity , which took all his strength to remove ; while he wrought at it she gave way to wailing , then it broke at last , a cry ; perhaps the only natural sound Emily had ever made in face of the only reality that had ever assailed her .
18 Yet when they started out few people in Britain had ever heard of them and even now not much is known about their ideas on marketing and how they put them into effect .
19 I could not think of a single thing that Quigley had ever done for me .
20 Walther Kaas had been his best man in the Stasi , had fulfilled everything Kragan had ever asked of him .
21 Wilson , Lloyd George and Clemençeau , wrote an observer a year or two later , " were in the conduct of public affairs more imperious than any Caesar had ever dared to be in any empire , pagan or Christian " .
22 We are not aware that Macmillan had ever heard of Bethune-Baker .
23 After twenty years this was the first time George had ever referred to what had happened .
24 What qualities Em had ever seen in Edwin Frere quite beggared comprehension .
25 She remembered every single thing Vitor d'Arcos had ever said to her , Ashley thought , in grim self-mockery .
26 The only woman Peter Bleech-Palmer had ever slept with was Tina Darne .
27 ‘ All present and correct , sir , ’ he said and the smartest dressed man Charlie had ever seen in his life returned the salute .
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