Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [noun] [noun sg] yesterday " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , Gas Board officials say they 're still baffled about the cause of a mains explosion on the A four one eight Thame to Oxford road yesterday .
2 The members of the Commission on Social Justice , who had flown from south-east England in airline comfort yesterday morning and now were seated on hard chairs in the decrepit surroundings of the Salvation Army hall , nodded amiably .
3 THE financial holding company controlled by the Agnellis of Fiat fame yesterday denied press accounts which reported that the family had acquired 3 p.c. of HJ Heinz .
4 TWENTY nine points without reply in the final quarter secured both Digital league points for Malone at Chambers Park yesterday .
5 GLASGOW Celtic chief scout John Kelman missed the plane on a planned spying mission to watch Bangor midfield star Paul Byrne at Windsor Park yesterday .
6 The Digital League champions overwhelmed Portadown at Chambers Park yesterday 41–16 , but finished the match with only 13 men .
7 A Merseyrail conductor lends a trained ear to trumpet player Des Worthington at Hooton Station yesterday Pictures : EDDIE BARFORD
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