Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] see [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bernice could see mangled bodies , struggling and dying .
2 Victory for the colt who caught a diminishing view of Cesarewitch favourite Travelling Light at Ayr could see another shuffle in the ante-post market .
3 There was a single overhead lamp in cast iron and , looking up , by its light Lucy could see warehouse-style windows fitted with the exterior boxes of air-conditioning units , more windows with rotting frames , iron galleries , fire escapes , and a couple of high railed terraces with a hint of greenery in silhouette against the night sky .
4 The horses that the count reared were also in evidence , some actually in the railed compounds dotted around the place , and beyond , towards the mountains , Maggie could see well-fenced fields with white and grey horses roaming peacefully .
5 Beyond the window , Alida could see Tantamount Hill , poplars at the foot , banks thick with daffodils , climbing out of sight ,
6 Eva could see great potential for future development hut feared that the added responsibility would he too much for the widow on top of the double load she already carried .
7 Louis ' men had set their roadblock the far side of the bridge from Trent 's observation point — upended ammunition boxes topped by poles cut from the jungle edge and a square white signboard on which Trent could see red letters made indecipherable by the angle of the board to his line of vision .
8 William could see darker shadows moving on the garbage heaps and he knew these were rats and that the garbage was composed of rotting corpses and the rats were eating them , gorging on the swollen , putrefying bodies of the plague victims .
9 Apart from the tangled wreck of the main body of the car , Cardiff could see twisted chunks of metal lying in the roadway and in the pavement .
10 Rostock 's Heinkel works came into view as darkness fell , and in the small docks Harry could see swastika-flagged vessels and a couple of U-boats .
11 Standing beside Ockleton , Harry could see centuries-old graffiti scratched on its leaden lip .
12 Far below , Tabitha could see tiny bridges and spindly ladders connecting abrupt spidery promontories like jets of frozen porridge , jutting into empty space .
13 Seeing the village again , from a new angle , Maxim could see other scars of the blast and its debris .
14 But Jack could see real fear in Steve 's eyes , while Mr Chan remained suave , perhaps just a little politely curious .
15 Jack could see hard frost gleaming on the windows and he could feel the bleak coldness of the beds inside himself .
16 ‘ Not really , God can see round corners .
17 Cleo could see clawing limbs and the suggestion of a malevolent face .
18 Ari was invisible inside a spinning maelstrom of spitting light , although Leila could see one foot jerking at its perimeter .
19 Augustine would see biblical prophecies of the ending of idolatry fulfilled in his lifetime by the edicts of Theodosius I.
20 But between town and hills Polly could see neat vineyards , groves of olive and citrus trees , and the strips and oblongs of intensive vegetable cultivation .
21 Glancing from the image to the face , Mair could see little difference .
22 To the left Charlie could see another platoon ahead of him .
23 Leeds will see that aspect as a potent aid .
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