Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] [adv] certainly [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Had Immelmann 's death not intervened , the appearance of Boelcke 's ‘ Flying Circus ’ at Verdun would almost certainly have spelled disaster for the individualist French flyers .
2 However , what such an analysis fails to take into account is that the evidence of wrong-doing that became so public in the United States would almost certainly have never surfaced in the United Kingdom , given the laws of libel and the willingness of the British people to tolerate secrecy in government .
3 Nevertheless , continuing discontent with the ruling party led commentators to predict that , despite the party 's current gains , the LDP would almost certainly lose seats at the forthcoming election .
4 Bella will almost certainly get blown to smithereens while she 's in bed with a high-ranking Army Officer , no doubt .
5 Stalin was usually cautious and calculating in his foreign policy and if he bided his time , Korea would almost certainly fall into the Soviet orbit .
6 Ash would almost certainly have read them , but I 've no recollection of any precise use he made of them … ’
7 If they slip up , Graham will almost certainly spend heavily at the January sales .
8 The great spa-temple at Bath would almost certainly have come into this category .
9 In that case Mr Zamoyski would almost certainly have handed the shoe over free of charge .
10 However , Lamont will almost certainly announce a further increase in tax liability on company cars .
11 The eighties brought commercial pragmatism , with for example many refreshment-trolley services run by private firms that employees of any organisation as large as BR would almost certainly have found impractical .
12 Mr Kinnock would almost certainly become Prime Minister , but he , too , would be utterly dependent on Mr Ashdown ( unless he chose the highly unlikely course of forming an unholy alliance with the Ulster Unionists ) .
13 That would mean the SCU would almost certainly increase the players ' daily allowance , which was doubled for this tour from £5 to £10 a day .
14 With these proposals the Russians could not possibly agree , since a liberal-democratic Germany would almost certainly join NATO .
15 It was too weak to support one , and in any case Britain would almost certainly refuse to commit itself to anything that smacked of supranationalism .
16 Each one who comes to Britain would almost certainly die if left in his own country .
17 In presenting it that night , Robert Naish would most certainly have expected it to be rejected by the weight of bondholders already known to oppose redemption .
18 Indeed , BA would almost certainly have pulled out of negotiations if it had thought a referral was likely .
19 Mr Warren 's equivalent in Japan would almost certainly have had his windows double-glazed .
20 Were he to be called in the immigration debate Joshua would most certainly abandon the bookshop where he planned to spend at least part of the morning .
21 The first declaration he gave to Pineau to take back to France would almost certainly have disappointed resisters : its denunciation of the Third Republic was a little too sweeping for Pineau 's taste ( one has to remember that by this stage the bitter experience of Vichyism and Nazism was beginning to rehabilitate the reputation of republicanism in France ) , and it had almost nothing to say about social or economic reform .
22 Britain and France will almost certainly find unanimous support from other Common Market countries for the UN measures , which include halting flights to and from Libya , a ban on weapons sales and reductions in Libyan diplomatic personnel .
23 Life for Mr Winner will almost certainly continue as before with him mistakenly believing he is a figure of some note .
24 Tim would almost certainly deny having been on board and there was already no one to corroborate her story about the disturbance in the lounge .
25 Furthermore , OPEC would almost certainly have been unable to sustain massively higher prices in the context of the subsequent crash had US policy towards oil imports not changed dramatically in the seventies .
26 In a few days or weeks Francis would almost certainly have made a will and it was unlikely that Anna would have been the principal , let alone the sole beneficiary .
27 Offered free access to Europe 's market for American airlines , America would almost certainly reciprocate .
28 THE EC would almost certainly respond to any US tariff rise with duty increases of its own , the cost of which could be passed on to British consumers .
29 Otto von Habsburg would almost certainly get an equally warm welcome if he showed up in Cracow , Prague or Zagreb .
30 It may be that he took new insignia after the subjugation of Norway , and that he left his old crown in Winchester , in much the same way that Henry II of Germany had , at his imperial coronation in 1014 , hung his former crown above the altar of St Peter 's , where Cnut would almost certainly have seen it thirteen years later .
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