Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [prep] [be] found " in BNC.

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1 Higher art is not the only sphere in which the Apolline and the Dionysiac are to be found .
2 Frequent references to inspection and study by Fellows of these acquisitions from Chelsea are to be found in the Journal Books of the Royal Society and the specimens are now housed in the British Museum ( Natural History ) .
3 Details of how to run LISTREL are to be found in the ‘ Operations Guide to LIFESPAN ‘ .
4 It requires only a small further step to argue for the exclusion from English of " those unfitted to benefit " from studying literature , Indeed , in 1968 , T. R. Henn is to be found recommending that at Cambridge the number of students taking English should be cut by 40 per cent on the grounds that many students tend simply to " drift " into the discipline .
5 No longer the prop of an unjust social order , the God of the Magnificat was to be found on the side of the poor while the mighty trembled at the prospect of being toppled from their insecure thrones .
6 Details of conditions of service applicable to staff of the National Library Or Scotland are to be found in the Civil Service Pay and Conditions of Service Code , a copy of which may be consulted in the Department of Administration .
7 Later in the same year , however , appearing on television in a news item on vandalism , Mr Rees was to be found closing the commonsense consensus .
8 Lithographs by Kounellis are to be found at Lelong until 28 February : a series of ten large portraits drawn on the stone with the finger , entitled ‘ Stone Smoke ’ .
9 The Raffles Hotel embodies the days of the Raj , when it was a fashionable gathering place for princes , playwrights and film stars , but it is in the streets where the true cosmopolitan nature of Singapore is to be found — restaurants in Chinatown , Little India , Arab Street and Baghdad Street mirror the eclectic origins of the city .
10 At the end of his torment , Ensor was to be found down on his knees in prayer ‘ that the inherent virtues of cricket may continue to preserve it ’ from the hooting and yelling mobs of the football stadiums .
11 The Council declared that the Church of Christ is to be found here , but it no longer says that it is not to be found anywhere else as well .
12 The clue to the ambitions of the ASEA is to be found in the plea that the training of youths was to be ‘ a continuance of their education ’ , and an aspect of the committees ' work that ‘ should ever be borne in mind ’ .
13 It is not only the sects that are guilty of fortress mentalities : we have come to believe that God is to be found only in our prayer groups , fellowships and denominational congregations .
14 Instead he insisted that the truth of God is to be found in it when it is approached in the proper way — by one who is searching in awareness of his own need .
15 You can trace those through the Bible ; Moses saw the Glory of God — His brightness ; Psalms refers to the Temple , where the splendour of God is to be found ; the shepherds were surrounded by the brightness of God 's Glory , and so was Paul on the road to Damascus .
16 Parliament ordered his arrest in February 1644 after he clashed at Paul 's Cross with the Presbyterian Cornelius Burges [ q.v. ] , and he was soon in trouble again for preaching , allegedly , that Christ was to be found even ‘ in hogs , and dogs , or sheep ’ .
17 The Jews believed that the Holy of Holies was the place where God was to be found .
18 As early as September 1953 Eisenhower was to be found ruminating , " Abroad we and our intentions are suspect because we are known to be big and wealthy , and believed to be impulsive and truculent . "
19 To find that missing component we need to head for the west coast of Scotland , where some of the shapeliest small peaks in Britain are to be found .
20 Disadvantaged rural areas in western Europe are to be found mainly on the geographical periphery .
21 The most varied and closely investigated series of offshore bars in Great Britain is to be found on the Norfolk coast between Hunstanton and Sheringham .
22 Riffaterre 's criticism of Jakobson is to be found principally in an article of 1966 on Jakobson 's analysis ( with Claude Lévi-Strauss ) of Baudelaire 's poem ‘ Les Chats ’ , an analysis which follows the same model as that of the Shakespeare sonnet .
23 Others , particularly socialists , were convinced that the downward trend in population growth was not , in itself , a problem since the key to the future prosperity of Britain was to be found in the redistribution of income to ensure that all enjoyed an income sufficient to enjoy healthy life .
24 Mind is not to be found in molecules any more than the works of Shakespeare were to be found in his genes .
25 After Casaubon Polybius is to be found in many bypaths of European political life .
26 The village of Leconfield is to be found approximately three miles north of Beverley on the A154 , the main Beverley to Driffield road .
27 There was nothing like a chocolate gateau with cream ; Elysium was to be found in a glutinous , fat dumpling ; and a good pastry was a walk in Arcadia .
28 A comprehensive guide to the capabilities of Oedipus is to be found in the document A User 's Guide to Oedipus .
29 The end of the 19505 had seen the eclipse of " the last epoch of the dominance of literary criticism in English culture " and the emergence of cultural styles appropriate to consumer capitalism ( qualitatively new kinds of magazine , advertisements , television programmes , and political campaigning , for example ) .97 By 1969 , Leavis is to be found expressing his " sense of the urgent gravity of the contemporary cultural situation , " a frightening face of the gravity being the blankness — the inability or refusal to perceive — that characterises our civilization " .
30 Another family of Sharmans is to be found in Sulgrave ; however , the name is common throughout the county .
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