Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] gave [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 My father paid for my digs in Paddington and gave me a pound a week pocket money , together with what he called ‘ travelling expenses ’ for my regular visit home ( home and a good , square meal ) , and to spend some time with Clare who was fifteen and slowly , very slowly , improving .
2 I went to see Suor Eusebia and gave her a message to deliver to Eric when the attention of the carabinieri was else where .
3 He looked back at Kim and gave him a small bow .
4 She did , however , slip next door to May and gave her a rough sketch of what had happened , right up to the Syrup of Figs .
5 A couple of hours earlier , on a hunch , Hermann Goering rang down to his main office in Carinhall and gave them a Stockholm number to obtain .
6 He kissed Amelia and gave her a Christmas card .
7 She went over to Shelley and gave him a book , telling him that Claire Claremont was sitting by little William — ‘ Willmouse ’ , she called him — and writing letters home .
8 Meanwhile in August 1982 , Clark visited Allison and gave him a copy of his paper for Infection and Immunity .
9 Met Stetson and gave him an earful .
10 He looked at Caroline and gave her a smile that never reached his eyes .
11 And he went into the main agent in Edinburgh and gave them an order for three of those , and of course , we did n't get them just right away because er probably we 'd have got the last one about a couple of years later in these days .
12 Here we show how TODAY produced a slimline Santa and gave him a new modern look .
13 Afterwards she went back to Emma and gave her an expurgated version .
14 First she bathed Rachel and gave her a feed before settling her down , then she washed and changed , combing out her long fair hair and setting it on top of her head again .
15 Then she held out her hand to Eileen and gave it a strong clasp that made her wince .
16 At this time it came to pass that there was strife between Count Don Gomez the Lord of Gormaz , and Diego Laynez the father of Rodrigo ; and the Count insulted Diego and gave him a blow .
17 Next morning , she telephoned Ernest Baird and gave him a short account of developments .
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