Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] wales have [be] " in BNC.

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1 There would have been objections if areas of Scotland or Wales had been linked with parts of England for convenience er of this review , but it seems Cornwall once again as a distinct and separate identity , continues to be ignored .
2 By 1900 it was reported that 500,000 households in England and Wales had been visited .
3 By 1939 one third of all the houses in England and Wales had been built since 1918 ; and extensive urban land absorption was in evidence particularly in the 1930s .
4 In 1984 rather more than forty per cent of the total land area of England and Wales had been defined by local planning authorities as being within an area of special control .
5 For some fifteen years now researchers wishing to have special tabulations compiled from the 1961 census of England and Wales have been refused due to ‘ technical difficulties ’ , and more recently it has been discovered that the machine-readable ten per cent sample of the 1971 census for Scotland is no longer accessible ( Marsh 1980 ; Schürer 1985 ) .
6 The report says applications to mine at 652 new sites in England and Wales have been made this year .
7 The 10 national parks in England and Wales have been severely scarred by quarrying and the rate of damage is likely to increase as the economy recovers , according to a report by the Council for the National Parks .
8 It would seem to follow that awards in England and Wales have been and are to be made by reference to social , economic and industrial conditions there .
9 Last year was the first time they played at that level , while Scotland , England and Wales have been involved in ‘ international friendlies ’ for a number of years .
10 Perhaps the most important of these has been that public education in England and Wales has been a service provided by public local authorities and paid for out of taxes .
11 In the middle of the eighteenth century , the mortality rate for children under 5 in England and Wales has been estimated as seventy-five for every hundred births .
12 In discussing the extent to which sentencing discretion in England and Wales has been subject to control in the past , or is likely to be in the future , we will adopt the threefold classification elaborated by K.C. Davis ( 1969 ) : viz. confining discretion ( or restricting the scope of discretionary power that is available ) ; structuring discretion ( or regulating its exercise in advance ) ; and checking discretion ( or reviewing the way it has been exercised in the past ) .
13 The most dramatic rise in cautioning in England and Wales has been for adult offenders .
14 One of the most significant recent developments in the criminal justice system in England and Wales has been the vast increase in the proportion of defendants legally advised and represented in the courts .
15 Since March 1990 , rainfall across England and Wales has been the lowest since 1767 .
16 Legislation to set up an umbrella agency to control pollution in England and Wales has been postponed because government ministries disagree over the scope and scale of the new body .
17 MPs from Scotland and Wales have been circulating copies of The Scotsman and contrasting these with the treatment by the Western Mail .
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