Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] the far [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The following morning we flew to Tacna in the far south of Peru , crossed into Chile by taxi and flew on from Arica to Santiago .
2 From the head of the ravine you have splendid visits across Longdendale to Crowden Great Brook , with Laddow Rocks perched on its rim and the dome of Black Hill in the far distance .
3 He added that he did wish , however , to impress upon the Department the importance which the Korean Government and people attached to their apparent exclusion from the defense plans of the United States in the Far East .
4 Mam chose instead to take us to a different hill station every year so that we travelled the length and breadth of India , from Kashmir in the far north-west , four days ' journey by train and road , to the Nilgiri near Simla , and Darjeeling .
5 Large areas around Caithness and Sutherland in the far north of Scotland are especially under threat as there is enormous pressure for afforestation in the area .
6 He caught a last glimpse of a grey Mercedes on the far side of the central barrier railings .
7 Some of these names represent principalities and have a political significance ; others are simply regional tags which identify the surrounding population , for example the Solland in the far south , which used to be an independent realm but which is now part of Wissenland .
8 The ancient realm of Solland in the far south and Drakwald in the north no longer exist and consequently have no counts .
9 A combative mood at the congress had been set at the very opening of proceedings when the first speaker in the debate on the agenda , Vladimir Bludov from Magadan in the Far East , had called for the entire politburo to resign .
10 His father , Peter , was a stylish midfield back in Gala 's Border Championship side of 1966–67 and a brilliant sevens exponent , while Rob Moffat toured with Scotland in the Far East in 1977 and coached Townsend at Galashiels Academy and Scottish Schools .
11 I spotted the tall figure of Andrew Storey in the far corner of the bar .
12 The threat to British interests had changed , with international Communism replacing the political and military intrigues of predator European powers and Tsarist Russia of earlier centuries , but the policies for meeting the new threat remained traditional : the judicious stationing of garrisons to protect overseas territories from external aggression and from internal subversion ; the deployment of naval forces to maintain the freedom of the seas in areas of British interest ; and the positioning of strategic reserves at key points , like Egypt and Singapore , on the imperial lines of communication through Suez to the Far East .
13 The typical barnyard ( or factory-farm ) pig — whatever its breed — is almost certainly descended from the Eurasian wild boar Sus scrofa , whose natural range covers a broad sweep from south-western Spain to the Far East .
14 The deal means Courtaulds will explore European , American and Canadian markets for Toray while the Japanese company develops business for Courtaulds in the Far East .
15 Another man in a white coat came up to Hamish from the far end of the corridor .
16 We were heading for the Westerman Islands on the far south-east corner of Iceland and a front came in faster than Robin Knox-Johnston , the skipper , had anticipated .
17 Instinctively Creggan crept closer to Minch , as did Kraal on the far side of her , trying to catch her whispered words , which seemed to drift as slow and powerful as the mist into which she spoke them .
18 Rovers dominated the first half as Atkins hit a 25-yard drive narrowly wide , Cook blocked another from Atkins and Sellars curled a shot wide of Stowell onto the far post .
19 It is believed he may have been going to visit relatives in Caithness in the far north of Scotland when the tragedy happened .
20 Once the route round Africa to the Far East was established and the Muslims who controlled the land across the Middle East had been outflanked , the spice and silk trade of the Mediterranean began slowly to decline .
21 , John Kidston ( 1893–1983 ) , businessman , was born 19 February 1893 in London , the elder son and second of four children of John Swire of Hillingdon House , Harlow , Essex , and his wife Emily Kidston , and the grandson of John Samuel Swire ( ‘ the Senior ’ ) who moved the emphasis of the family 's trading business from Liverpool to the Far East in the mid-1800s .
22 They crossed the bridge , passing the Priory of St Mary Overy at the far end , and took the main highway into Southwark .
23 Dr Neil discarded the towel , throwing it into a packing-case , checked that his patient was not needing immediate attention , and drew McAllister into the far corner of the room where their conversation could not be overheard .
24 The commencement of a daily Qantas service to Australia via the Far East and Gulf Air 's start on the Abu Dhabi routes bodes well for the future , ’ said Manchester Airport chief executive , Gil Thompson .
25 The whole point of Lourdes comes out as you walk down from the centre of the town towards the river and the Cité Religieuse on the far bank .
26 From it , Glen Loy opens an inviting way into the hilly interior but the object that most excites attention is the tremendous bulk of Ben Nevis on the far side of the valley , better seen from here than from any other low viewpoint .
27 ‘ I think a wife 's place is by your side , whether it 's in the kitchen or making a programme in some remote corner of the globe , ’ said Keith , who is planning to do Floyd on the Far East next year .
28 The NSR involves plans to open an all-year-round shipping route from north Norway to the Far East along Russia 's northern coast .
29 Signe stopped the VW on the far side of the road and killed the motor .
30 Then in the seventieth minute he left Martin Smythe for dead wide out on the right before finishing the ball across Richardson into the far corner of United 's goal .
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