Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] himself [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Doogie allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction as Shifty-Eyes hit the road , then he turned and grabbed Pointy-Beard 's tie .
2 Mr Barker found himself an innocent victim and he was questioned and released .
3 Briant allowed himself a small sigh of irritation .
4 During his time at the Slade ( 1911–13 ) , Bomberg proved himself a precocious and innovative student .
5 Connor allowed himself a crooked smile .
6 And Judge Lawrence Verney allowed himself a wry little smile .
7 Now he watched in horrified silence as Donald cut himself a giant slice of poisoned meat .
8 Consequently , instead of being censured , Mr Reed finds himself a heroic front-runner in the 1991 Guttersnipe Man Of The Year contest .
9 Nicolo Sabatini permitted himself a little smile .
10 Morse permitted himself a gentle grin : ‘ What date did the tour start ? ’
11 Just before he resigned in January Mr Peckford made himself a laughing stock for the C$20m ( $17m ) he poured into a huge complex for growing cucumbers .
12 Dr Sasaki found himself the only doctor in the hospital who was unhurt .
13 Arthur Kobold cut himself a generous wedge and thrust the better part of it into his mouth .
14 Johnson lit himself a fresh cigarette from the butt end of the one he was smoking .
15 Trotsky set himself the dangerous task of explaining how not only the state but also the Party had come to be excessively bureaucratized .
16 DUBLINER Martin Sludds gave himself a major boost with a sparkling 68 over the hugely demanding K Club course at Straffan , to lead the Smurfit Irish PGA Championship by four shots at the halfway stage .
17 Flaubert allows himself a private smile : ‘ It represented the Republic , or Progress , or Civilisation , in the figure of Jesus Christ , driving a locomotive through a virgin forest . ’
18 Once we were inside the car , Quiggers allowed himself a full-blooded sneer .
19 Charles poured himself a large slug of whisky and downed it .
20 Cranston poured himself a generous goblet of wine and seized a small white loaf the cook had left to cool on the kitchen table .
21 DAVID Sinclair made himself the ideal employee when he filled in an application form for a sales job , a court heard yesterday .
22 The young James found himself a virtual prisoner of the Red Douglases in Edinburgh castle .
23 Luke allowed himself a small smile then gave a brief nod in Merrill 's direction .
24 ‘ Later , ’ went on the vicar , ‘ Donald Templeton showed himself a skilful cross-country skier , on and off piste , a witty raconteur and an enthusiastic do-it-yourselfer .
25 As the children grew , Michael felt himself a backward boy .
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