Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] himself a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Edward made himself a cup of tea and vanished to the Britches , where he stayed late into the dusk .
2 Swod allowed himself a quarter smile at her recognition but his body was so unused to this display of emotion that he began to cough .
3 In a letter to Einstein , Freud called himself a pacifist .
4 Manville permitted himself a smile .
5 Lorton left the pub just as Viol bought himself a second pint .
6 Cornelius poured himself a cup and topped up the daddy 's .
7 Wickham fetched himself a chair .
8 Rincewind allowed himself a moment 's sadness .
9 Bloxham poured himself a glass of water , and took his place .
10 With raised eyebrows and the adoption of that cool , emotionless glance he had bestowed on her before , Marc allowed himself a brief , telling scrutiny of her face , then , apparently satisfied with what he read in it , pushed open the door and led the way inside .
11 FURIOUS Ards boss Paul Malone fined himself a week 's wages after an angry clash with the Linfield bench as his team crashed out of the TNT Gold Cup yesterday .
12 ARDS manager Paul Malone fined himself a week 's wages last night after a touchline bust-up with Linfield rival Trevor Anderson .
13 Brian made himself a cheese sandwich and pushed the crumbs into a pile .
14 Of course , I already had some experience with the various falconers ' knots and changing jesses with a bird perched on my fist , but poor old Derek got himself a bit tied up .
15 Joe poured himself a half of beer and pulled a chair up to the fire with the two boys .
16 Ibrox Villiers Cley permitted himself a smile .
17 Carefully not clinking the bottles , Maxim mixed himself a whisky and water , drank it in three gulps , then poured another and began sipping .
18 Eb permitted himself a half-smile .
19 I though Jones did himself a mischief right at the very end .
20 The Mason bought himself a nest of a wagon , and squirreled up coats and boxes , pots and pans , church silver , salt meat , the wax seals off the petitions , ale kegs and coins of the realm .
21 Steve Ellis bought himself a franchise at the Clifford Daries in Oxford 2 years ago for £5,000 .
22 Kenneth Caitlin lit himself a cigar , blowing the smoke out in huge puffs that swirled around his bald head .
23 So it is back to Portugal these Portugals can go , and tell Dom João to find himself a wife elsewhere . "
24 On September 22nd , 1870 , Flaubert bought himself a revolver ; at Croisset , he drilled his ragged collection of men in expectation of a Prussian advance ; he took them out on night patrols ; he told them to shoot him if he tried to run away .
25 Francis gave himself a drink and raised the bottle questioningly .
26 ( GRAMPS pours himself a drink .
27 But , away from the set , Glover regards himself a family man — just like his Lethal Weapon screen character .
28 It was one of the very rare occasions when Chaplin made himself a worker , a member of the proletariat with all the attendant problems of low wages , of dealing with a foreman , and of sustaining a home and family .
29 Back in Britain , Crawford found himself a choreographer , Leo Charibean , who taught him to dance the American way .
30 For a second time du Guesclin found himself a prisoner of the English , who routed his army .
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