Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] believe [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 POLICE hunting the killer of a champion Ayrshire cow believe it may have been slashed to death by a jealous farmer .
2 Tam Dalyell believes we should raise the standards , not umbrellas
3 RIDDICK Bowe believes he can handle any heavyweight in the world and aims for a quick victory in his WBA heavyweight title defence against Jesse Ferguson in Washington .
4 Queensland aborigines believe they can sing a man to death , and indeed recently managed to sing the state 's premier — a white man , a New Zealand migrant who cared little for ‘ black fellows ’ — out of office .
5 I remember thinking that if Andy Norman believed I could be Europe 's top sprinter , if he had such faith in me , well then maybe I could .
6 Plaid Cymru MP Dafydd Elis Thomas believes there must be an end to the UK , based on understanding not division
7 NATION STATES Together and apart Plaid Cymru MP Dafydd Elis Thomas believes there must be an end to the UK , based on understanding not division
8 The service is not available on the National Health Service — but Dr McKenna believes it should be .
9 Tivoli president Frank Moss believes it would be relatively painless to bring these three endeavours , representing the main COSE players , into alignment .
10 Tivoli president Frank Moss believes it would be relatively painless to bring these three endeavours , representing the main COSE players , into alignment .
11 If Mr Gorbachev believed he could acquire a breathing space through repression , during which the economy could be transformed by unpopular but necessary reforms , he might be willing to pay the price , but this would reverse his strategy of the past three years .
12 RUUD Gullit is gearing up for next week 's European Cup final with Marseille with many Milan fans believing it will one of his last games for the Italian giants .
13 Mr Field believes he would win easily , and once returned to the Commons would ask the parliamentary party to give him back the Labour whip .
14 Mr Hart believes there should be a more structured approach to problem-solving as there is at the Halewood plant .
15 Sir Derek believes he should not be held to blame since the fraud occurred in the accounts of International Signal and Control , which had received a ‘ clean ’ audit when Ferranti bought the company two years ago .
16 Mr Lyon believes he will be able to discover Thomson 's plans because of an agreement giving his union the right to discuss any relevant employment or investment matter with senior managers .
17 The model behaves so much like the real thing that the Berkeley scientists believe they can predict what would happen to the building during an earthquake .
18 Then challenge from the North , why tough talking Yorkshire lawyers believe they can take the city 's cosy legal world by storm .
19 But Mr Horwood believes he would have allowed ’ The Willows in Winter ’ to put straight the record about Toad 's miraculous conversion to good behaviour
20 No explanation for the fall was ever given , though Sir Thomas believed he may have been involved in some stupid jape .
21 That means when openings do materialise — and Mr Smith believes there will be plenty against the current Liverpool side — the pressure will be on winger Darren Anderton , and midfield goalscorers Chris Burns , McLoughlin , Kuhl and , if he plays , Warren Aspinall .
22 Mr Rifkind believes it would be foolish to split BR by region when the present management has split it by business ; besides , the government would have to subsidise all the privatised regions , since none of them makes money .
23 Brian MacDonald believes we could more to help ourselves
24 Kevin Brown believes he may have been involved in some way .
25 But the makers of the Jolly Roger ales believe they can find customers for the 100 barrels a week they soon hope to produce .
26 The grant was voted more because Charles ended disputes over land titles running over the previous twenty years than because the West Indians believed they ought to support the English Exchequer , but a permanent colonial contribution to the home government was — at least for England — a new and interesting departure , though one that had no sequel .
27 The Burscough boss believes he can put his finger on why his side can consistently beat opposition from higher leagues , as they have done time after time in the past two years , yet struggle at their own level .
28 If NT hits , the Sunnyvale , California company believes it will be doing a few hundred million dollars worth of business in three to five years .
29 NRA chiefs believe they should not have to pay rates on their regional headquarters ' building and workshops in Warrington .
30 NRA chiefs believe they should not have to pay rates on their regional headquarters building and workshops in Warrington .
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