Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] for [art] use " in BNC.

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1 Let of Hall Permission has been granted to Mrs. Croll for the use of the hall for a musical evening on 22nd December .
2 Permission has been granted to Mrs. Croll for the use of the hall for a musical evening on 22nd December .
3 Thanks also to all the other organizations that helped , the Vale of White Horse District Council who allowed us to use their land , the National Rivers Authority for the use of the river , Thames Water for the use of their island and for generous sponsorship , an extra special thanks to Roger Steer , the lock keeper , for much help , kindness and understanding and to his wife for providing a seemingly endless supply of ice-cream , to Jim Croft of Slalom Sports for unfailing help and loan of computer hardware and to our local Scouts for looking after the campsite and for organizing effective first-aid cover .
4 For instance , Defence Department officials doubt that UN cover for the use of force could easily be obtained again .
5 EDINBURGH District Council 's Construction Skills Training programme has won the first UK award for the use of new technology in training .
6 Already in 1946 the highly secret talks between the British and American air chiefs were leading to agreement that bases should be built in East Anglia for the use of American bombers in the event of an emergency .
7 Mr R. Newcombe was pleased to report that agreement in principle had been reached with Mrs Davies for the use of part of her premises in Bull House , Bull Street , Bishop 's Castle as a Bishop 's Castle Railway Museum .
8 An application by Mrs S Croall for the use of the hall on a Thursday for the purpose of staging a concert by her music pupils was agreed .
9 Thanks must go to Joe Lawley for the use of his Range Rover and trailer .
10 A BIG thank you must go to Richard Newcombe for all the background work , also to Mike and Avril for the cups of tea and biscuits , to the Nottingham boys and Richard Wildig for their help and to Ron Davies for the use of his barn .
11 ( Assistance in the preparation of this material was provided by Nick Veronico , Don Dinoff , Jim Farmer , and especially Bob O'Hara for the use of the photos from his collection . )
12 One of the Movement 's leaders , the Revd J. M. Neale , therefore rewrote the book in 1853 as The Pilgrim 's Progress of John Bunyan for the Use of Children in the English Church .
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