Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [coord] a member " in BNC.

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1 Three United States citizens and a member of the Peruvian National Police involved in Peru 's anti-drug programme died near the village of Madre Mía in the Alto Huallaga valley on Jan. 12 , when their US-donated helicopter was shot down by alleged terrorists .
2 Meanwhile , the Supreme Council had dispatched to Moscow on April 3 a delegation led by Romualdas Ozalas ( also appointed a Deputy Premier on March 17 ) , which was received by Aleksandr Yakovlev , a close Gorbachev ally and a member of the Presidential Council and the CPSU politburo .
3 Only Mr Gerry Bermingham , MP for St Helens South and a member of the leftwing Campaign group , has been deselected .
4 Chris Greig , managing director of Invergordon Distillers and a member of the SWA 's taxation committee , described Mr Lamont 's decision as a ‘ bit of gentle relief ’ .
5 Commenting on these figures , Maurice Withall , partner at Grant Thornton and a member of the Institute 's Technical Advisory Committee ( TAC ) , said : ‘ These figures come as no surprise .
6 Bowes was the third son of George Bowes , Marshal to Queen Elizabeth and a member of her Privy Council .
7 A citizen of West Germany and a member of the European Parliament , he was greeted by the crowds as one of their own .
8 No sooner than formally constituted , the Standard reported the links would become a great boom to the town , although before January 1907 was out , a Leader article read as follows , ( doubtless written by either Charles Luker or a member of the Club Committee ) — ‘ It is to be hoped that a commencement of the projected new golf links at Henley will not be long delayed .
9 Mr Vickers is also well known in the town as a past president of Rotary , chairman of Darlington Round Table , secretary of the Abbeyfield Society and a member of Darlington health authority .
10 Banks then moved ahead rapidly in trade and finance , becoming a shareholder in the East India Company and a member of the Levant Company .
11 He was silver medallist at the 1980 Junior World Championships , fourth individual at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and a member of the bronze team at Seoul in 1988 .
12 A proposal canvassed in the CDP by David Bethel , Director of Leicester Polytechnic and a member of the CNAA 's working party , was for an individual ‘ Institutional Committee ’ for each institution designated as having achieved ‘ mature status ’ , to act on behalf of the CNAA , to consult with the institution and to replace institutional visits — another CDP proposal which did not gain CNAA support .
13 David France , business manager of the Darlington branch of Barclays Bank and a member of the Middleton St George Conservative Association , says in an open letter to Alan Milburn that business has prospered and jobs have been created .
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