Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [adv] spoke [prep] " in BNC.

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1 FORMER England boss Bobby Robson yesterday spoke of his sympathy for beleaguered successor Graham Taylor and told the critics : ‘ Let's get round and support him . ’
2 Standing in the farmyard , Giles Aplin also spoke to Seb at some length .
3 Aunt Violet never spoke of that time .
4 Harold Lever then spoke to his own paper .
5 Then Noolan and Sid Hope both spoke at once .
6 When Mrs Thatcher and President Reagan both spoke at the United Nations ' 4Oth Anniversary in 1985 they used the same autocue , which remained in a fixed position .
7 Louis Vauxcelles already spoke of ‘ cubes ’ in his review of the exhibition which Braque gave at Kahnweiler 's gallery in November 1908 , and the same critic referred to the paintings which Braque exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants of the following year as ‘ bizarreries cubiques ’ , from which the style derived its name .
8 Mrs Allen rarely spoke to any of the hospital staff ; any information she got was via her stepson .
9 The BBC chief also spoke of his ‘ sadness ’ at the departure of producer Julia Smith .
10 It is hard to imagine the C.-in-C. of the Warsaw Pact addressing a Vietnamese colleague as Marshal Grechko once spoke to the Czech Defence Minister : ‘ When I am thinking , you be quiet . ’
11 THE TV presenter Fiona Armstrong yesterday spoke for the first time about why she has quit the breakfast station GMTV — and dismissed talk about the notorious ‘ F ( for fanciability ) factor ’ .
12 A Darlington woman yesterday spoke of her fears for her family stuck in the middle of the riots .
13 More ominously , a ‘ reader 's letter ’ in a Leipzig paper yesterday spoke of ‘ counter-revolutionary ’ actions .
14 NORTH Yorkshire landowner Lady Bell yesterday spoke of the accident which left her son with serious head injuries .
15 Carrie asked but Albert did n't reply because Mister Johnny suddenly spoke from the doorway .
16 In France at the end of the eighteenth century , there had been a science of ‘ experimental physics ’ ; Thomas Young also spoke of ‘ physics ’ in a famous course of lectures at the Royal Institution published in 1807 , but his physics included animal and vegetable life , and excluded optics and mechanics .
17 YOUNG mum Julie Jones today spoke of her terror when muggers held a jagged knife to her baby 's cheek and threatened : ‘ Your money or we 'll kill your daughter . ’
18 Henry Porter doubtless spoke for many when he wrote recently in the Guardian : ‘ Little in the post-war years of decline in Britain has prepared us for the deep sense of unease now being experienced by its people .
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