Example sentences of "[adv] he became [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As his family began to grow , money was hard to come by so he became a clerk for his family and John cannily gave dressmaking work to his new daughter-in-law to help them survive whilst getting good value for money for himself .
2 According to his own account , as soon as he was brought to Rome as a hostage in 167 B.C. he became a friend of the two surviving sons of Aemilius Paulus by sharing some books with them .
3 Thereafter he became a missionary of heathen Africa , wrote a seminal alchemical text called the Clavicula , and was reputed to turn himself into a red cock when occasion demanded .
4 Appointed as vicar of St Paul 's , Worcester , in 1914 , a year later he became a chaplain to the armed forces and began the wartime ministry among the troops in France and Flanders for which he is most remembered .
5 Later he became a director of the club and built the small chapel behind the groundsman 's hut where visiting supporters could find ‘ quiet contemplation and a cup of Bovril ( 58p ) ’ .
6 Later he became an assistant to the composer Benjamin Britten and was a pianist for several ballet companies , including the Stuttgart company in Germany and Sadler 's Wells in London .
7 He returned within a year to a different job as a threader and then ten years later he became an Axminster weaver once again .
8 Three years later he became the Head of the Victoria Centre .
9 Later he became the vicar of a Cambridge parish .
10 The Duke of Edinburgh introduced an award scheme for young people , in 1955 , and later he became the President of the World Wildlife Fund .
11 joined us just as we were ready to go overseas , he had just come out of er Flight School and of course his heart was set on being a fighter pilot and here he became a co-pilot so he was a very disappointed man and he did not stand up well in combat so there were n't too many missions , about five and I bounced him off the crew and would n't fly with him any more and got then other co-pilots to fly with me from our Squadron .
12 Eventually he became the school 's headmaster but by that time his rather late marriage had somewhat tamed this fiery individual .
13 He acquired a small capital by scavenging and became a pedlar ; then he became a partner in a ship ; and his skill as a sailor and his fondness for travel took him to Scotland and Italy , to Denmark and Flanders .
14 Giant-fiend of a hundred hands , with a shower of arrowy death-pangs he transpierced me , and then he became a wolf , and lay a-gnawing at my bones !
15 Then he became an agent .
16 There he became a world champion in a year filled with controversy and difficulty and there he learned that he neither really liked being world champion ( it was inhibiting ) nor really driving fast cars as fast as he was expected to ( they were thoroughly frightening ) .
17 Overnight he became a director of Matrix .
18 Twice he became a tutor , but he neglected his work .
19 Instead he became a pupil of Robert Stephenson [ q.v. ] and was engaged on the construction of railway lines in central Scotland and elsewhere .
20 Instead he became an alcoholic ( a ‘ half-alcoholic ’ he preferred to call it ) who required to dry-out in hospital about 50 times over a 25-year period .
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