Example sentences of "[adv] and returned to [art] " in BNC.

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1 He found them quickly enough and returned to the pub .
2 She pulled away and returned to the dining room to find her cigarettes .
3 His repeated warnings of the effect of the United Front on the ILP had been ignored by the National Administrative Council and he eventually left the party altogether and returned to the Labour Party .
4 The boys thanked her politely and returned to the rest of the royal party grinning and clutching their gifts .
5 He packed there and then and returned to The Hague .
6 Mr Macdonald said the most significant thing was that Brown had gone back to his car nearby and returned to the fight armed with the knife which had a 12in blade .
7 Then he closed the door again and returned to the table .
8 She smiled a little brittlely and returned to the subject in question .
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