Example sentences of "[adv] the need for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have some concerns — especially the need for articulation between general SVQs and HNCs , HNDs , and occupational SVQs .
2 Lynall Urwick put forward a counter-argument that a wide span of control had been possible in this example because the work of the merchandising managers did not interlock , and so the need for coordination and integration was not present : this reduced the burdens of supervision and made a wider span of control feasible .
3 In addition eight nuclear power stations are planned to reduce further the need for oil fired stations .
4 Hence the need for government help in clearing warehouses .
5 Hence the need for research in this area .
6 Hence the need for biosensor research to be multidisciplinary , and the end-user must be involved as early as possible .
7 Few kite flyers have a 50metre or 150ft clear run in their home yards , so this operation has to be completed in public , hence the need for speed and precision .
8 Hence the need for adaptability is reduced .
9 These changes — in particular the increasing size and sophistication of counterparties — have tended to increase competition between firms and hence the need for adaptability on the part of players , as well as reducing profitability .
10 They have to work across Europe despite different employment law and training practices , hence the need for liaison with Spain , Ireland and elsewhere . ’
11 Specifically , the model areas research projects have demonstrated the requirement for very careful public consultation and involvement in the process , yet also the need for strength of purpose on the part of the planning authority .
12 ‘ It was probably the need for assistance , ’ Lucy said with sudden understanding .
13 Now the need for liquidity derives both from the demands of individuals and private bodies to finance trade and investment flows , and from the operations of central banks .
14 Often the need for help arose from a specific pressure such as damaged or lost equipment or from a life event like moving house or the birth of a child .
15 There are some problems ( smoking , nail-biting and so on ) which can be dealt with without the need for regression .
16 We noted earlier the need for investment in support for heads and in management training , while acknowledging the Authority 's recent ( that is , post-PNP ) initiatives in respect of the latter ( Leeds City Council 1991a ) .
17 Then the needs for affection and a sense of belonging can be fulfilled .
18 Self-monitoring in a busy classroom is not easy , yet the need for training in the skills of classroom discourse is evident ; as part of that training the trainee or serving teacher needs to be able to objectify his or her modes of discourse in order to begin to improve them .
19 There were signs of reluctance to take seriously the need for revival of activity at the local level to overthrow apprenticeship before its due term under the act of 1833 .
20 Although some schools were quick off the mark to evacuate their children , it was not until May 1940 when the German Wehrmacht overran Holland , Belgium and struck deep into northern France that schools in danger areas began to take seriously the need for evacuation .
21 The differences between Reich and Freud are concerned not so much with the desirability of sexual activity in youth so as to avoid later sexual disturbances , and therefore the need for change in the morality of that period , as with the consequences which could be hoped for as a result .
22 This ‘ maturity matching ’ reduces risk ( as we saw in section 1.1.4 ) and therefore the need for low- or zero-yielding reserves .
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