Example sentences of "[adv] walk [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A minute later she had seen the girl slowly walking along the aisle , guidebook in hand , the man strolling behind her carefully distanced .
2 Er right walking on the beach and he a genie came out when he rubbed it and he goes oh no way man .
3 The heroes of both these plays arrive upon the scene in a dramatic manner — adventurously entering through a window instead of prosaically walking in the door .
4 Er one has only to walk down the road here for example at Strensall but equally , the first point I made would be to contradict perhaps what Mr and Mr have said er because the the difference in employment distribution is a reflection of the pop planning policies that have been followed over the last ten years .
5 While they watched the rain a horse suddenly walked around the corner of the track ahead .
6 Literally walked through the door ?
7 They can literally walk in the footsteps of people in the past , walking a section of Roman road or an old packhorse track , or following the route of an abandoned railway , or perhaps storming a hill-fort or castle .
8 The horizon actually curves , and you can literally walk around the world in five steps . ’
9 Long walks by the sea were needed to shake it all down and shake off the pounds that could so easily accumulate .
10 Instead , to strengthen leg muscles after the long summer break , daily walks along the streets of Islington , dressed in ordinary clothes , were the practice , the distance being increased each day .
11 Once , as she was heading towards the gate ( thus walking in the direction opposite to that which Agnes was to take somewhat later , followed by the gaze of her unfortunate schoolfriend ) , the secretary turned , smiled and lifted her arm out in the air in an unexpected gesture , easy and flowing .
12 I worried about whether they would be safe just walking down the street , the way they looked and acted . ’
13 So ‘ men are going to get off on women anyway , just walking down the street ’ and of course magazines whose raison d'etre is the presentation of the naked or seminaked female body as a spectacle are n't contributing to this state of affairs , are they ?
14 ‘ Men are going to get off on women anyway , just walking down the street .
15 Where just walking at the moment at cottage hospital now .
16 I was arrested twice , once for trying to get out of the place , and once for just walking around the course , both times without wearing a badge .
17 She was just walking from the building when she saw Paul Fisher .
18 Just walking in the woods . .
19 Just walking in the garden I was
20 Just walking in the rain
21 The faint silvery-white outline of his robe and his face were clearly discernible to her at all times , and so overpowering was the experience at first that in the early morning , as she poured out a cup of tea , she would pour a second cup and absent-mindedly walk towards the chair and say : ‘ Here 's a cup of tea for you , ’ and then jolt back to reality , shaking her head : ‘ Agh , I must be mad !
22 Then you can picnic , play football or cricket or just walk across the moorland and look at the sheep .
23 But she says I sometimes just walk across the road and go to the Meeting House at you know
24 Just walk down the road here to all them shops and just knock one of them off , bring the stuff back , stash it till the morning and then go and sell it to buy some gear …
25 but the procession for us is like the most boring thing because we we just walk on the Grand Place for about five minutes
26 You pull one out and whatever it says on there you 've got to pick and if there are a policeman judge victim then you just walk around the room .
27 Oh yeah this party tonight was really get this , this spliff right like this , yeah , just walk in the kitchen and go ras man
28 He said , Well I thought to me self well the bloke that 's co just walk in the shop and sell five hundred bundles of fire wood , he could sell insurance .
29 AT&T Co says it plans to begin selling its first personal communicator in its phone centre stores this June — but the things are not likely exactly to walk off the shelves , because they will cost between $2,000 and $3,000 : the Hobbit-powered device will incorporate cellular phone , paging abilities , facsimile functions , electronic mail and messaging services and pen-based computing , and it derives from the company 's alliances with EO Inc and General Magic Corp and it is to be built by Eo .
30 Hordes of hostile bicycle-rickshaw drivers would jeer at us — and it became quite hard just to walk through the streets .
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