Example sentences of "[adv] until it [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Like a forest fire , it started from the individual and grew outwards until it enveloped the whole area of monastic patrons and friends and dependants .
2 The final alignment began at Haifa Bay , passed overland through the Jezreel and Bet Shean Valleys , and followed the Jordan Rift Valley southwards until it reached the northern shore of the Dead Sea .
3 Duregar 's army moved steadily southwards until it reached the eastern entrance to Death Pass .
4 Continue down the short valley of Mosedale to the road , which you follow eastwards until it crosses the River Duddon ( 1.75 ) .
5 When the first bowl has filled , the water falls into the second and so on until it reaches the pool below .
6 He found first gear and eased the great machine slowly forward until it hit the utility room door , closed it , and pinned it fast .
7 At first a discreet pile , the mound grows steadily until it covers the pavement almost knee-deep for twenty yards .
8 A rewarded training trial consisted of transporting a rat in a slowly rotating opaque box from an adjoining room and putting it into the arena at and facing the centre of the N , S , E or W side-wall ( shown as an unfilled circle ) from which it could move around freely until it found the F+ feeder ; a non-rewarded trial lasted 60s and was conducted without either landmarks or feeders .
9 As dissipative processes within the gas radiate energy , each cloudlet gradually drifts inwards until it approaches the OLR .
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