Example sentences of "[adv] able [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Kopyion 's body seemed decayed , only able to move due to sheer strength of will .
2 He was not only able to make most of his subjects feel proud of being Italians but also succeeded to a great extent in making them believe that his great dream of giving Italy an important place in the world , as important as that of Britain and France , could become a reality .
3 Among a heap of mundane weaponry — a two-handed flail , spare sword and scabbard , two throwing axes , crossbow , 2 quivers each of 24 crossbow bolts , and a repeating crossbow — the first chest has a complete suit of Plate Armour +1 which the Chaos Warrior is no longer able to use due to his mutated form .
4 With Kružić dead and the sultan in possession of Klis , the Turks were soon able to overrun most of Dalmatia between Split and the Ragusan border .
5 Burma is fortunate in that she has enough for her own needs , though she was only just able to ensure this during the last harvest .
6 If the water did enter a person 's house they were usually able to move all of the furniture and possessions upstairs where they would keep safe and dry , but this was not possible for all the residents .
7 Howard was still able to report direct to the PM .
8 Being more affluent and therefore more mobile than their employees , farmers are still able to overcome many of the constraints imposed upon their socializing by remoteness and distance .
9 Israel allowed the old élite to travel to Amman freely so that , despite the loss of physical control of the territories , Jordan was still able to direct much of what happened .
10 The shift was in fact half over by the time I started and I was n't really able to do much of any value .
11 It also explains why the sector is now able to offer some of the best management training in the country , not to mention a structured career path , good rewards , and the chance to develop your potential as a business leader of tomorrow .
12 After gaining her economics degree at Cambridge she had been well able to appreciate some of the problems he faced , and ask pertinent , relevant questions about the business .
13 I am confident that we are well able to meet any of today 's challenges but this does not mean we can ever relax our efforts to achieve the best in every possible respect .
14 Tiriac became a father figure and Nastase was at least able to fulfil some of his potential .
15 I was then able to use this in my Elu96 router along with templates I had made to cut the mitres on both rails and uprights ( the router seems to be the most important part of my kit these days ) .
16 In fact , politicians who deviated from the party norm were seldom able to carry many of their relatives with them .
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