Example sentences of "[adv] though it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 AY 's defence centred around the claim that it only owed a duty of care to Alkar , as its auditor , and not to WG , even though it also audited the WG group accounts .
2 The district benefited from the fact that it had comparative information on performance from a large range of providers which enabled them to take a more detached view of the strengths and weaknesses of its own unit , even though it also increased the complexity of contracting .
3 Since then , the forces of continental drift have continued to pull the two continents apart , widening the Atlantic , but the habit of returning to the sea each year to spawn has never been broken even though it now involves such an immense journey .
4 Olive oil is a monosaturate , and as such was once discriminated against by weight-watchers and nutrition gurus , even though it too contained only 120 calories per tablespoon .
5 Its knowledge of its home range , however , is not restricted to these tracks , even though it seldom leaves them .
6 Indeed , by the middle of that year critics were saying that the cuts imposed at the time of the IMF crisis may have been too harsh , and that fixed investment in manufacturing capacity needed to be stepped up , even though it actually rose by 8 per cent in 1978 .
7 Even though it always gives me pleasure to speak with you , I do have a purpose in phoning . ’
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