Example sentences of "[adv] that instead [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The majority of the applications access the data through a small library of function calls , so that instead of using the flat files produced by the database they can be interfaced easily to other databases without significant code changes .
2 When the frog leaps off the branch of a tree , these are spread so that instead of falling , it planes gently downwards , and usually to another tree .
3 After the disastrous storms and floods of 1890 in which vast sections of Grisedale and Garsdale were washed away , bridges destroyed and people made homeless , the stone lip of the waterfall was found to have been destroyed completely by the force of the water , so much so that instead of falling from an overhanging shelf a majestic hundred feet on to the rocks below , the waterfall now raced down in a series of cascades .
4 Cullen is a Morse veteran , the cast is to some extent interchangeable , and the story is re-jigged so that instead of opening in Paris — as in the book — it began with the Fellows ' Winter Feast at St Mark 's College , with intrigue and skulduggery at high table .
5 Involvement of the valve of the aorta ( the large main artery , emerging from the heart ) , can cause this valve to become inefficient , so that instead of closing fully after each pumping beat of the heart , it remains partly open , allowing a proportion of the blood to return to the heart instead of passing on round the body .
6 I wished I could have screens put round my bed like the really sick people had , so that instead of giving me sidelong glances of pity because I had no visitors , people would drop their voices and whisper sepulchrally to interested outsiders , " Poor little thing — she 's dying , you know . "
7 We might achieve the second task by altering our account of defeasibility so that instead of talking about some one other truth ( which caused the problem of piecemeal addition ) we talk about all truths whatever .
8 The group was already quite close so that instead of retreating to one of his more inaccessible rock crevices Tom stayed where he was , relying on the deep shadows to keep him hidden .
9 A ludicrous consequence of the inverted word-order is that the syntactic pattern noun + preposition ( " shades among " ) might seem to be repeated at the end of the following line ( " judgment o'er " ) , so that instead of understanding a participial construction , " the stern assize and equal judgment being over " ( Housman 's equivalent for the future perfect ) , a guileless reader might construe " When once you descend among the shades , over the stern assize and equal judgment " .
10 But now I think there 's a new feeling abroad that instead of trying to solve the poverty of third world countries , by providing them with aeroplanes , particularly for their armies and providing them with electricity generating plants , we should actually start at bottom ; we should start with the children , in providing medicines , in providing enough food , so that those children will grow up and will be able to fend for themselves , providing them with skills , providing them also with markets for the goods that they 'll produce .
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