Example sentences of "[adv] it was suggested that " in BNC.

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1 The committee felt that basic communication and numeracy skills were most important for this purpose , and so it was suggested that all CEE certificates should record proficiency scores in English and mathematics .
2 Finally it was suggested that if her father continued to be unkind or unpleasant , the only way she could increase the level of care she provided would be to move away from her family and live with him .
3 Later it was suggested that he had received help from dissident Englishmen who preferred Border ruffians of like mind to their own unpopular Warden ; but nobody could deny the rescuer the sobriquet bestowed on him in the ballad — ‘ The Bold Buccleuch ’ .
4 Some time ago it was suggested that three east coast sites , at Brough-on-Humber , Caister-by-Yarmouth and Rochester , possessed late second or early third-century fortifications which were different from the general run of urban defences of this date .
5 Here it was suggested that the school 's investment in areas subsequently utilised by the county for its own particular purposes ( including staff development ) became the basis for reacting angrily to the school 's exclusion from the project .
6 Unofficially it was suggested that the rift related to Dogan 's opposition to a campaign by the President 's wife , Semra Özal , to assume leadership of the Istanbul branch of the Motherland Party ( ANAP ) .
7 It was once believed to be a very young star , still condensing ; then it was suggested that we might be dealing with a Black Hole ; now it seems more likely that the eclipsing component is a hot bluish star surrounded by a cloud of opaque material .
8 Initially it was suggested that it was impossible , and that quasars were in fact relatively nearby objects , their large speeds of retreat arising because , perhaps , they were being spat out by our Galaxy in some unknown way .
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